
13 1 0

In the manic of the morning 
I almost forgot about Masie 
Masie wanted to meet up 
In the park 
To tell me about the dinner 
She had with her parents and 
Our grandparents 

Last night Masie had decided 
She would tell them she didn't
Want the party they have been 
Planing for her for months 

Unlike me Masie had decided to 
Go to university 
She is the first in the family to go
Everyone is making such a big 
Deal about it, everyone except for 
Masie and my mum 

Sometime I wonder if my mum cares about 
Family news at all 
When masie told her about going to university 
She didn't have much to say not like 
The rest of the family 
She said well done and walked off 
Like it wasn't a big accomplishment 

And masie 
She wont let anyone celebrate 
Most kids would 
Her best friend Jessica 
Had this big bash at her house 
She invited everyone from six form 
Including me even though I go to college 

Ok I must amit I don't like going to parties 
But seeing all of those people turn up 
Celebrating Jessica like that 
It was amazing I just wish Masie would 
Allow us to do the same 

Speaking of Masie what should I do?
I cant meet up with her 
Not if I have to look after the triplets 
They will go crazy at the park 
And they wont listen to me 

Can we meet at mine 
Mum has to go to work 
Am looking after triplets
They are on one today 

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