Business trips

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Mum is always going

Away on business trips

Leaving dad and me to

Look after the triplets

The last time my mum

Went on a business trip

Was two weeks before

My birthday

Mum had asked me

To make a plan for

My eighteenth birthday party

She told me we could do

anything I wanted

She wanted it done by

The time she got home

I sat down with Samuel

Jack and holly while they

Did some arts and crafts

I thought it would be nice

To do something together

While they were colouring

Their pictures I got to work

On my business plans

I wanted to make the plans

Like a business proposal

Just like the one's mum

Reads for work

I thought it would help my case

Do it the way she likes it

Maybe she'll read it

Hi guys 

what do you think about the story so far?


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