She opened the folder

2 0 0

I sat down next to mum trying

To focus on the the show

It wasn't working

My legs were shaking and I

Couldn't sit sill I had it something

I asked mum if she wanted a cup of tea

She said yes but I got up before she had finished

Placing the folder on the coffee table

I did not want to be there when she

Opened the folder

I tried not to think about mum

While making the tea but I failed

I kept on peeping into the living room

To see what she was doing

Every time she was just looking

At the folder in the same place I

Left it on the coffee table

It felt like an eternity when she

Finally picked up the folder

I heard her opening it

I heard her turning the page

I heard her lean back

Into the sofa

And I heard her let out a sigh

I wondered what mum was thinking

Was it good news or was it bad news

I was so nervous

My hands were shaking as I

Put the cups and some biscuits

On to a tray

I took a deep breath

And headed for the living room 

I Was Not Ment To BreakWhere stories live. Discover now