Talk to your cousin

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As soon as class is let out

I make my way to the library

Jessica is sitting st one of the

Tables with her books spread

Across the table

Other people wont be able

To sit down with her

I have not reached the table

When Jessica takes her eyes

Away from her text books to

Look at me

You need to talk to your cousin

Jessica is always so straight

Forward its one of the reason

Masie is friends with her

What is this about Jessica

I have a lot of work to do

Daniel, Logan and I wanted

To take Masie out for her

Birthday and she is refusing

To go do you know why?

I tell her I didn't

I also tell her Masie

Refused a party form

Aunt Anne

I don't understand why

I would have said yes

We have to do something

For Masie, Phoebe before

She leaves for university 

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