poa; three

474 28 145

"what! that's absolutely ridiculous!"

harry's pov:

me, y/n, ron and hermoine walked into the castle together, and y/n asked hermoine to tell her more about france.

"you know when i went to paris i could just feel the love, not to be corny but it is the city of love." hermoine said dreamily. i notice y/n looking at the floor smiling to herself. her smile always makes me melt inside.

y/n and me owled all summer, and she was the only thing helping me survive the dursley's, and when i saw her for the first time after the summer, well, let me tell you she is beautiful. she was always pretty but over the summer her appearance changed a lot, grew about two inches, her skin was more tanned from the sun, she had some highlights in her vibrant red hair, some more freckles spotted around her face, her lips fuller, and i'm not sure how to say this without sounding like a pervert but her body was more defined .

anyways she is beautiful now, and i don't know how to act around her, for example that time it was breakfast and she came down stairs and even though she was in sweats she still looked beautiful and i just stared at her like a creep.

anyways everyone keep trying to get us together, and i'm almost entirely sure she doesn't like me like that. plus so many other guys are into her, like draco malfoy. pfft, i'm nothing compared to him.

i'm interrupted by y/n shoulder bumping me and wow her eyes.

"so how bout' it harold, france?" she smiles and winks and i feel my heart racing. her smile could make any guy fall to her knees.

"what do you mean?" i ask, not knowing what she was talking about.

"ugh why do you always zone out at the worst times," she starts. "i was saying that maybe you and i should go to france one day, preferably paris."

my heart skips a beat when i remember hermoine mentioning that paris is the city of love.

"you mean-?"

"she's referring to paris because it's the city of looove" ron interrupts, extending the "o" in love.

i look at her, and see her turn immediately red, and i also feel myself turning crimson and become flustered.

"i-i just mean that- that it's a good um place to travel f-for a vacation," she stutters.

i don't say anything, just grab her hand in mine and we intertwine fingers. she looks up at me and smiles the purest smile, and i smile back, she makes me so happy, like pure happiness.

"your face is a little red," she pointed out, which only made me more red.

"oh yeah? could say the same about yours," i sneer proudly, which in result just caused her so look down to the floor shyly. without even thinking i took my hand that wasn't in hers and put it on her chin which made her look up at me. i immediately let go and she looks more flustered.

"i'm so sorry y/n i didn't mean to-"

"it's alright harold, i think it's cute when your flustered," she states but then realizes what she just said she freezes.

(DISCONTINUED) sá cherie, hjp Where stories live. Discover now