poa; five

371 23 45

"so are we not going to talk about it or?"

third person pov:

{ lower case intended }


the four gryffindors walked down the corridors to their first class of the year, divination.

neither of them knew what to expect, but they did hear that professor trelawney was a nut job.

"guys i think it's around this corner," hermoine said while seeing some of their other classmates wander around that way.

"i guess it's worth a shot, let's go." y/n said while her and hermoine lead the other two.

they made it to the classroom, and it looked a bit odd but y/n thought it was rather interesting (a/n: am i the only one that thought it was sorta cool?)

they all found a table with four chairs so they all sat down and y/n slumped in her chair, and y/n noticed hermoine wasn't there anymore.

"welcome my children," professor trelawney got up from her chair and bumped into the table i front of her, caused a few people to laugh.

she has very frizzy hair and some glasses with lenses that reminded y/n of bubbles, and sorta did look like a nut job.

"in this room you shall explore the nobel art of divination," she started. "in this room you shall discover is you possess the slight. hello, i am professor trelawney."

y/n zoned out and only heard her talking about stuff like about them casting stuff into the future and something about tea leaves.

"what a load of rubbish," hermoine scoffed as she glared at the professor when she wasn't looking.

hermoine s sudden appearance made y/n jump back into reality.

"where did you come from?" ron asked while looking just as confused as the rest of them.

"me? i've been here this whole time," hermoine said as if it was obvious, and y/n just stared at her strangely as hermoine turned away.

"you boy," trelawney pointed her finger at neville, walking up to him. "is your grandmother quite well?"

"i-i think so?" neville responded quietly.

"i wouldn't be so sure of that," she stated as she grabbed neville's cup from his hands. "pity."

"broaden your minds," she said as she put her hands on seamus's head, while he looked uncomfortable.

"your aura is pulsing dear, are you in beyond? i think you are." she said coming up to the quartets table.

"sure," ron responded sarcasticly while he tried not to laugh as he sat up straight.

"tell me what you see," she said referring to harry's cup.

"oh yeah um," ron was half trying not to laugh and half genuinely scared.

he looked back and forth between the cup and his book. "well harrys got a sort of wonky cross thing here, which is trails and suffering."

(DISCONTINUED) sá cherie, hjp Where stories live. Discover now