Chapter 9

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Alana P.o.v

I've been in this jail for weeks I hate it. I'm in a cell with this Haitian lady named kila that killed her boyfriend, she says she did not and I don't care. Have I fucked any of them bitchs, nah. This one girl she quiet, got brown hair.she got tattoos on her neck. I've be watching her since I came, like I am right now. We're in the yard just chilling and ish. She was sitting down reading this book.

Kila: a look at you staring at browning.

Me: what nah.

Kila: then what are you eyeing.

Me: look okay I just want to know if she well talks.

Kila: she used to be my cell mate, she was framed she never seen it coming. Her friend was trying to kill herself and browning fought her off, such a nice girl.

Me: she doesn't seem to talk.

Kila: that's because she prefer to be alone rather than in the crowd.

I was looking at her as the other girl went up to browning snatched the book out her hand.

Girl: the Fuck you reading for its not getting you out.

Brown: it won't but I'll get more intelligent then you ever will be.

The girl picked up browning, I stood up and pushed the girl off her. Browning took the book and slapped the girl dead in her face and kicked her in her throat. The cops pulled us from her, and put us in this isolation room. They took her book away. I was standing up and she was sitting down.

Me: are you okay?

Brown: yeah um thanks for the help.

Me: no problem.

Brown: so why are you in jail.

Me: um this girl she shot up my house and nearly killed my little sister so I shot her ass up she dead.

Brown: wow well I got framed.

Me: I'm sorry bout that.

Brown: I wondered why she would like do that but it's whatever now, I got one more year to go.

Me: me too.

Brown: how old are you.

Me: soon 21.

Brown: Oh I'm 21.

Me: cool.

Brown: I can't lie when I first saw your arrival I thought that you was cute.

Me: same with you.

Brown: so um your girlfriend misses you HUH.

Me: tuh what girlfriend.

Brown: oh wow.

I think she starting to like me, the cop opened the door.

Cop: go to you cells.

Brown: we can talk sometime okay.

I smiled and went to my cell, I layed down on the tough ass bed.

Milani P.o. V

I was chilling in my house with Marcus playing cards. He spent the night I made sure, look marquise he just everything. He's special to me but it's that idk something is jut off like extremely like okay kenya gone but I feel there's more to come. Marcus he always puts a smile on my face we get to know each other everyday.

Marcus: Dame um I gotta go aright.

Me: okay go.

He kissed my forehead and picked up his keys. When he left I had got a text from marquise, he wanted to come over. I just idk like it's just I got this feeling he got more or one more girl like idk maybe I'm crazy. I told him that I'm not home, I had made Carolina come over. She brought her sister she like my little sister.

The bell rang, I opened it was them.

Me: what's good.

Carolina:.... (looking at petra).

Me: what's wrong.

They walked in and sat down. They gave me a note.

Petra: it's from alana.

I took it so quick.

Dear guys,

I got some news I'm getting out next year in June, I made a friend I got a crush. Milani if you reading this, I just want to say I miss you so much. I can't last, a day with out thinking bout you. Your my little sister I miss you, my cell mate said your a beautiful girl I agree. Tell everyone I said what's good and that's I missed them.
Love alana,

A tear fell out my eyes, I then remembered I had 3 million dollars in a jewelry box when I was leaving new York. I got up and ran to my room and took out the money and put it in my bag. I then grabbed my car keys.

Carolina: wait where you going.

Me: you'll see.

I left and drove to the county jail it far I reached at 2:00am. I had walked into the police station.

Cop:may we help you visiting hours are over.

Me: I got bail for alana.

Cop: that's 1 million dollars.

Me: why yall ain't tell me that from long time ago.

Cop: I'll go get her.

Alana P. O. V

I was in browning cell with her chilling talking till the cop came and told me It's time to leave, I mean I can't I'm not leaving browning.

Me: wait who bailing me out though.

Cop: your sister.

Me: um ask her if she can bail out browning.

Cop: what.

Me: please.

The cop left.

Me:I'm not leaving you here.

Browning: but..

Cop came back.

Cop: your free to go
She got up and held my hand we walked and collected our clothes and got dressed.
Browning: i don't know where I would go.
Me: you can stay with me.
We walked to the lobby and I see milani. I ran to her and hugged her, tears ran down her cheek. I wiped her face.
Me: I'm here now.
Milani:so who's your friend.
Valentina: I'm Valentina.
Milani: hi I'm milani.
Valentina: nice to meet you.
We left and drove home. when we got their I saw Carolina and her sister Petra.
Petra P.O.V
While everyone was just reuniting I was on Facebook. I got a friend request from some boy, I clicked on him it was the boy from the park. I clicked accept he look like a jawn on Facebook. He then inboxed me, telling me to pull up to the park. boy should I go I'm gonna go. I got up and told Carolina I'm going to the park. I took a trip back to the house. Then I changed into my pink sweats and put my hair in a bun, I put on my valentine sevens and left . When I got to the park I saw him on his phone. I acted like I ain't see him and walked in the park and started walking. he came up and put his arms around me.
Me: oh I ain't see you.
Boy: yeah sure you didn't.
Me: never got your name.
Boy: Brian.
Me: well hi and so you brought me to the park why.
Brian: cause I wanted to hang with you.
Me: really I never knew.
Brian: you know you mad cute right.
Me: no 😭.
He started to hold my waist.
Me: what are you doing .
Brian: I just gonna show you something.
Don't kiss me I never kissed no boy. yeah I never kissed a boy.
He let go and turned me around to this view of the rest of the town. it was so beautiful. he sat down and I sat next to him. he got close to me and put his arms around me.
Me: this is so beautiful.
Brian: just like you.
He was leaning in, I had swerved him and got up.
Me: um I gotta go my sister said to come home now so I'm bye.
Brian: I'll walk you.
Me: nah I'm um good.
I speed walked back to the house and went inside and jumped on the couch screaming. why did I do that, truth be told never be so close to a boy like that before or kissed one at that.
-------------------if short my fault------------------

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