Chapter 5

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Dad looks at my mates. "So, now that I do have a chance, let's start,"

"Ugh," I scoff. "Can you go easy on them please?"

Dad glances at me for a moment before looking back at my mates. "How old are you? I'm assuming you're twins, yeah? Who is older?"

"Yes, sir, we're twins," Elijah answers. "I'm older by like fifteen seconds or something. We're nineteen,"

"Nineteen?" Dad repeats.

"Yes, sir," Theo says with a grin.

Dad raises an eyebrow at him. "And when is your birthday?"

"December twenty-second," Theo answers. Hmm, I'll have to remember that for later.

"So, you have the mating urge already?" He forms it like a question but we all know it wasn't.

"Rigg," Papa scolds.

"What? I think it's a perfectly reasonable question to ask,"

"Except you already know the stupid answer," I mutter as I slump over the counter and rest my chin in both my palms.

Dad ignores me as he stares at my mates waiting for an answer. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see them exchanging a look before looking back to dad.

"Um, yes, sir, we do," Elijah says. It makes my heart skip a beat for many reasons.

"And do you plan on mating with my son?"

"Dad," I whine but he continues to ignore me. So, I look to papa for help. "Papa, please stop him,"

Papa shrugs his shoulders and gives me a look that suggests I've had this coming. I scoff at how unhelpful he is, which he grins at.

"Eventually, hopefully," Theo says.

"Why eventually? Why not now?"

"We'd like to get to know him first," Elijah says. "And I'm assuming he'd like to know us first as well,"

"Hmm," Dad hums. Then he looks at me. "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you wish to mate with them?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "What do you think?"

Dad rolls his eyes at me. "Right, that was a stupid question to ask you of all people," He shakes his head.

"Yeah, this whole interrogation is stupid, too," I complain. Maybe if I complain enough he'll give up.

"I don't know, I think it's justified," Dad says. "You are my son after all, so I have to make sure the person... or people... you choose are good enough for you,"

I can't help rolling my eyes. "No one will be good enough in your eyes,"

He doesn't respond with words, instead, he grins at me like I won the jackpot or something.

"He's right, though," Papa says with a grin. "No one will be good enough for Alaska in your eyes, honey, so, be a little lenient. You know we don't get to choose our mates,"

Dad grumbles under his breath but I don't care to try and decipher it. There's nothing he could say that would make me reject my mates. He might just end up pissing me off in the end, though. I don't want to get pissed off, though, not with my mates here. We have only just met, so I don't want to show them my ugly side just yet.

"But-" Dad starts before papa cuts him off with a head shake.

"No buts, you know it's true. Besides, you've had fourteen years to let it sink in and accept the fact that he would have two mates. It's not fair of you to interrogate his mates when he hasn't even gotten the chance to learn anything about them himself,"

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