Neagami (DR Ship)

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Last one for today I promise.

You can not tell me that Byakuya doesn't have a man crush on Makoto that he would never admit to. But thinking about it as a legit relationship to me is kind of weird. Byakuya isn't a character who would ever be in a relationship, let alone admit to liking someone in that way. He wouldn't put himself in that position of weakness or allow himself to be on the same level as those around him.
As for Makoto, THH Makoto probably wouldn't want to be with him since I feel like at that point we all still hate him. UDG/Future Arc Makoto however, it does seem like they've grown closer, whether it's just respect or tolerance towards each other. I wouldn't go as far as to say romantic feelings, but I can defiantly understand the ship itself.

My Rating: 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑

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