The Broken Heater

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Chapter 8 (Kian's POV)

A few days later, it was Friday. Connor told me that he was going out with Troye, Tyler, Ricky, Joe, and Caspar. So JC and I decided we were going to invite some friends over, because the house might seem a little quiet. We invited some viners: Nash, Cam, Jack and Jack, and Matt. The girls have not met our Viner friends yet, so I thought it would be cool to introduce them. Also, Cam and Nash are jealous that we live with girls, so it will be fun to show them off.

It was getting close to lunch time when Leah emerged from the girls' apartment to say hi.

"Mornin." She said, with only one eye open.

"Well Leah it looks like you slept great!" Sam said sarcastically. She gave him a look and jokingly flipped him off.

"It was cold as shit in our apartment last night. I've gotten so used to the Californian air that it was a little difficult to adjust."

"Wait, really?" I ask. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure. But Olivia was looking at it and she was pretty sure that our heater is broken."

My eyes open wide, "Is she still trying to fix it?" I ask, maybe I can help her and earn some imaginary "Olivia points."

"Yeah she is, if you wanna help her she's in the kitchen." She winks. Shit, maybe she knows too.

Sam raises his eyebrows at me, "Come on Lawley, be the handyman!"

I laugh and nod, "you know what, I will!" I make my way to the girls apartment.

I didn't even knock, I just opened the door. It technically is my house so I guess that's okay. As soon as I step in I'm hit with a rush of cold and my hands fly to my forearms with a shiver. Leah's right, the heater is probably broken.

Olivia has her back turned to me, she is crouched down looking at the heater in the corner of the kitchen. She's wearing fuzzy socks and a Syracuse College sweatshirt, I can tell she's cold.

"Damn, what happened here?" I ask. She turns around and faces me.

"There's something wrong with the heater and I'm not sure how to fix it? Can you help? It is your house after all."

I laugh, "of course." I have a spring in my step when I make my way over to her. I kneel down right next to her and take a look at the heater.

The knob is turned in the completely wrong direction. I try moving it, but it will not cooperate. "That is most certainly broken." I say.

She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow, "No shit?"

I laughed at her sarcasm and playfully pushed her. "I'll talk to Ricky, and we'll buy a new heater for you guys. We won't charge you because this clearly was not your fault. For now I guess you guys are just gonna have to hang out with us!"

"Oh no, that's going to be difficult!" She jokes. "No seriously though, thank you."

If she wasn't so cute, I might have charged her.

I hear a screeching noise from the kitchen counter. "Looks like the hot coffee's ready!" She stands up, quickly kissing me on the cheek as she goes. It caught me by surprise, but I just stand up with her and laugh it off.

"Is that coffee I smell?" Allison's voice chimes from her room. "Just kidding, you know I don't drink coffee."

Allison comes into the room wearing a giant tee-shirt, and knee high socks. She gives me a surprised look, "Oh hey Kian, what are you doing here?"

"FIxing the heater, what are you doing here?" I reply with sass.

"Living. Is the heater broken?"

"Yeah it is, couldn't you feel the cold?" Olivia asks.

Allison can't help but laugh, and she points down to what she's wearing. "I'm a northerner, sweetie."

I can tell she's a northerner, based on what she is wearing. She doesn't even have any pants on. JC would go crazy if he saw her like that, he loves the low-shirt-high-socks look.

A few hours later we had finished eating lunch and Connor, Ricky, Troye, Tyler, Joe, and Caspar were leaving to go out to dinner, and then they were going clubbing. They invited us to come, but we already have plans with the guys.

"Have a great time," Olivia tells Joe, rubbing her hand on his shoulder. He smiles and tells her the same. Those two are really becoming close, and I think they're just friends, I hope. We say goodbye to everybody and they all soon leave. We've got about fifteen minutes until the Vine boys arrive.

Then I see Leah and Melanie getting on their jackets. "Hey, were are you guys going?" I ask.

"To the bar to hit on girls." Melanie says with a wink.

"It's a gay thing." Leah adds, they both laugh and head out the door.

"Well, I guess there are only eight of us now." Allison exclaims from the couch.

"Soon to be thirteen." JC replies.

Olivia turns her head and gives us all weird looks, "Wait, what do you mean? Are people coming over?"

"Yeah, some guys from Vine! Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, and Matt Espinosa."

Corrinne turns around and looks at me and JC. "Seriously? They're coming over?" She did not sound too happy.

"Yeah, what's wrong with them? They're cool guys."

"Well I don't know they just don't seem like nice guys."

I raise an eyebrow at her, "Have you ever met them, Corrine?"

She laughs, "Well no, but..."

Before she can explain why she didn't like the Magcon boys, the doorbell rang.

"Well look who it is, guess they got here early!" I go to answer the door with Sam, JC, and Trevor.

"Hey, how you doin', man?" Nash says to me when I open the door. We shake hands and do the 'bro hug' thing, whatever that's called."

Nash had been rumored to have been the one Lia used to cheat on JC with, but it actually wasn't him. It was some random guy she met and the media blew it up to make it look like it was either Nash or Cam. But those two are super close with JC, and would never do that.

"So," Matt puts his hands together. "Where are these girls we've been hearing about? Or are they 'not here'?"

"That makes it sound like you don't believe us!" JC exclaims and we all laugh. "And actually, two of them just left but they aren't interested in boys anyway, so none of you would have cared. Come meet Allison, Olivia, Sky, and Corrine.

We all walk into the living room and the girls wave from the couch with smiles on their faces. All the guys stared with wide eyes, as if they had never seen girls so beautiful before.

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