The Party

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Chapter 3 (Olivia's POV)

The party was starting in an hour, and I was so excited I was bouncing off the walls. I had picked out a mint green strapless dress with a lace cut out in the middle, a sparkling sliver necklace and sliver sandals to go with it. I really hope they don't mind that we're all dressing up, because we all are. This is our first party in Los Angeles, what do you expect? And Kian Lawley's going to be there, so I've gotta dress to impress.

"Olivia, come here!" I hear Allison's voice yell from the hotel bathroom. I walk over and knock on the door. She lets me in and I gasp quietly. 

"What do you think?" She asks, and all I can do it nod. She's wearing a deep dark red dress that is lace on the top, and chiffon on the bottom. It's not really a summer color, but it brings out her glowing skin and her blue eyes, she looks great in red. 

"You look breath taking!" I exclaim "I wish I could pull off red like that!"

She blushes, "Aww thank you, but you totally could!"

We all get changed and help each other put makeup on. Melanie helps me with mine, she's training to be a makeup artist, and she's incredibly talented when it comes to cosmetics. 

"You're going to look absolutely stunning." She tells me kindly. "All the boys are going to be all other you." 

I smile, "Thank you very much Melaine, they would be all over you too, but you wouldn't enjoy that as much as I would." She giggles and nods her head. Melanie is gay, and so is Leah. One of the reasons Melanie and I are so close is because I was one of the first people she came out to a few years back, she came out about six months after Leah did. Leah came out to Allison first, and that's the reason they became as close as they are now. 

I have no idea how they are going to feel at the party tonight, but I do know there are a lot of LGBTQ+ youtubers, so hopefully we'll find no one who is homophobic, or we'll be out of there fast. 

"Eeek! I'm so excited!" Corrine squeals. "We're going to a YOUTUBE party!"

"Ya, about that," Allison says, scratching the back of her head. "Is it bad that I had no idea who any of them were?"

"ALLISON!" Leah yells, "Not even Tyler Oakley?" 

Allison laughs, "Nope. I never watch youtube. It's weird that I don't considering I co-run an internet famous blog, but I don't." 

"That's so weird." Corrine says, "you really should've known who they were. They're really popular."

"Alright enough bickering we're going to be late!" Sky says sarcastically, and we all head out the door. 

The six of us pile into a taxi and Allison tells the driver the address. "So guys, our first LA party!" I excitedly say.

"Wooooot!" Corrine yells, pumping a fist. "It's going to get crazy."

"Hey do you think those boys know none of us are above 21?" Melanie asks laughing. "I'm not saying I won't deny alcohol but they should probably know?" 

Leah giggles, "That's a good point! But Tyler Oakley is like twenty five so he'll get us some."

I remember the last time I went to a party with alcohol, it was after prom at the end of junior year. A friend of mine's parents hosted the party, but made everybody promise that they would not bring alcohol, we all even had to sign a contract. But some douchebags decided it would be fun to sneak beer in squirt guns and use them outside without the parents knowing what was really in them. Somebody confessed up to it about a month later, but I can't even remember who it was. But anyway, it was really bad and we were lucky no one was hurt. 

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