Moving In

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Chapter 5 (Olivia's POV)

Our Sunday morning was filled with suitcases, U-Halls, and cardboard boxes. Just two days ago Kian and the guys had offered one of the apartments that they own, and now it's Sunday and we're already moving in. Everything is happening so fast it's insane. I realized I was going to have to turn off my phone in order to focus and get everything done, I'm happy it's not my day to write a blog post. It's Allison's, but she said she'd find time to do it at some point and just write about how we are moving in to our new home. 

Every one in our little fandom is going nuts. First of all we all meet up and move to California, then we hang out with famous Youtubers and move in with them? What's next?

Luckily the guys have been helping out, so things havn't been too difficult. We ordered all our furniture yesterday, and it's already come. Melaine, Leah, Casper and Joe are bringing up beds and couches and other things, Trevor, JC, Connor and Tyler are helping us temporarily design our rooms. Allsion and Troye are out grocery shopping, and Kian, Sam and I are trying to install the refrigerator before they get back.

"Aw hell you guys." Sam complains, "We should've just payed extra for the workers to set this bitch up for us!"

I laugh, "That probably would have been smart, but we've got this!" I guess you can say I am kind of handy, or maybe I'm the only one who correctly knows how to read a manual but whatever it is I figured out how to get the refrigerator in. Trevor walks up and admires my work.

"Slaayyy." He excliams and I laugh.

"How many times do you say that a day, Trev?" I ask, and he throws his head back laughing. 

"You don't even want to know." I really like Trevor so far, he makes us all laugh. He's like three years younger than me, but he's really funny. 

"Olivia come here!" Sky calls and I run into the room next to me. 

"So there are six bedrooms, three on each side of the apartement and three on hte other. We were thinking that Melaine, Leah, and I could be on one side while you, Allison and Corrine are on the other?"

I nod, "Sounds great!" Is everybody else okay with it?" 

"Yep! Or at least everyone that is here. We haven't talked to Allison about it yet but she's flexible I'm guessing she'll be fine with it." 

Then I hear the front door open. "We're home!" A voice shouts from a distance. 

"Well speak of the devil." I jokingly say, and Sky laughs. I run into the kitchen to greet Allison and Troye. 

"Hey guys! How was the trip?" I ask. 

"It was great, we got a lot of yummy shit!" Troye says happily and Allison laughs as she starts to unpack the food. "Oh and the weirdest thing happened," Troye starts in his Austrailian voice, "We saw some girls when we were at the checkout, and they freaked out because 'Troyison'!" 

"Oh my god." Tyler rolls his eyes. "Seriously?" 

"Yeah it was so weird," Allison says. "I usually don't get noticed by people like that. It's mostly a simple, 'Hi, are you Allison Toms? I really love your blog' not a group of screaming girls." Then she laughs, "But the screaming was because Troye was there, obviously." 

Troye shakes his head, "No way!" Those girls were talking about how much they loved your blog! And they screamed your name before they screamed mine, just saying." Allison rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the compliment.

"Oh Allison, I almost forgot." I ask, "For sleeping arrangements, me, you and Corrine on this side," I point to the left, "And Leah, Sky, and Melaine on the other?"

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