JC and Sam

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Chapter Seven (Olivia's POV)

JC scrunches up his eyebrows and gives him a confused look, "Uh-uh. No way. You can't be serious?"

"Are you crazy? I'm not kidding! You and Jen have so much chemistry!" Kian exclaims.

"He's right." I pipe in, "I've only really seen you guys together in videos and once at that party, but the sparks are there."

He rolls his eyes, looking at Kian, and points at me. "Her too? Even the girl we barely know thinks I'd be good with Jenn?"

I giggle and nod, he rolls his eyes again. "Aw come on man! You guys are joking, Jenn and I would not make a good couple. I thought you thought Lia and I were a good couple..." He gasps. "You didn't think Lia and I were good together did you?"

Lia is JC's ex girlfriend. I'm not sure exactly how they broke up, but rumors said she cheated on him with Nash Grier. But that's hard to believe, like, Nash? Really? That's like throwing away a Chanel lipstick and replacing it with a $5.00 one from Target.

"Honestly dude, I thought you and Lia were a cute couple." Kian says. "But that didn't change the fact that you were - in my mind - meant to be with someone else. I never thought you guys weren't good together, I just knew deep down you'd be better with someone else." 

"Kian Lawley I swear to fucking god if you-"

"JC I promise you I never would've done anything to break you guys up. Do you really think I would've tried to hurt you? If I could've stopped her from doing what she did to you, I would have. You're my best friend and I never want to see you the way that bitch left you."

So whatever Lia did, it was pretty bad. 

JC unclenches his fists and his expression calms down. Then he throws Kian into a big hug.

"Aw man, not in front of her." Kian says red faced. I stand there awkwardly.

JC surprisingly pulls me into the hug. They hold onto me tight and I can smells two different sets of cologne. I don't think the break up was very recent but I think JC still is having a little bit of a tough time. But that's okay. 

JC goes down the hall and into his room. Kian scratches the back of his head and looks at me. "Sorry, if that was a little weird."

I smile, "It's okay, everyone breaks down sometimes. And besides it shouldn't be weird. It should be socially acceptable for boys to cry.

"Strong opinions about gender roles? I like it." Kian winks and then pats me on the shoulder. I guess it was a way of saying goodbye because he left down the hallway after JC. I couldn't help but smile, and I walked back into my apartment.

Kian's POV

I tried comforting JC, but nothing was working. Him and Lia have been broken up for over six months, but it was the toughest break up he's ever had. She cheated on him with Nash, what a bitch. 

I think the best way to help him is to leave him alone. I don't want it to sound like I'm being a bad friend, but that's just the kind of person JC is. He doesn't like others seeing him upset, and he can always calm down better on his own.

I tell him good night and head off into my room. Before I can make in there, I hear a voice. "Kian?" It's Sam. "Can I talk to you for a little while?"

I turn around and nod my head in the dark, "Yeah sure."

We go into my room and we sit on the bed. I've known Sam for as long as I can remember, and I can always tell when he's upset. This seems to be one of those times.

"What's up dude?" I put his arm around him, "I can tell something's bugging you."

"Well, I kind of have a bit of a problem, but I don't know how to fix it." He shrugs, "It's kind of stupid, but."

I laugh, "I highly doubt it's stupid, Sam. What is it?"

"Well, you know that pretty girl, Sky?" I nod. "I think I kind of like her."

My eyes widen, "Really?"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Yeah, it's really dumb. At first I thought it was just that I thought she was really cute, but there is just something about her that I can't shake. It's totally ridiculous since I've only talked to her once. 

"Only once?" I ask, but then quiet down because I don't want to make him feel ridiculous. "Why?" I ask, "She's super nice and easy to talk to."

"Yeah, but she is so out of my league. I mean, look at her she's gorgeous."

I shrug, "She is very pretty, but I don't think she's out of your league. You're the famous Youtuber and Viner Sam Pottorff you can date anybody!"

He laughs, "I'm not sure that's how it works. I just want to find a way to get the balls to talk to her and get to know her a little better. I thought you'd be the perfect guy to ask considering you're doing just that with Olivia."

"Wait WHAT?" I exclaim, "Are you inferring I like Olivia?"

"Oh Kian it's so obvious."

I roll my eyes, "There is no way it's obvious."

After a while, I ask, "Do you think it's obvious to her?"

He bites his lip, "Actually, no. I think you've got her fooled." 

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