The Coffee Shop

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Chapter One: (Olivia's POV)

The six of us sat together in comfy chairs on the second level of a small Starbucks in L.A. The idiot behind the counter messed up Allison's order, and is fixing her another one. She was supposed to get a strawberries and crème frappuccino, but they gave her a vanilla bean crème frappuccino instead. So she's waiting for her drink to be ready while everyone else sips their coffees

"I can't believe that dude messed up your order." Our friend Sky says. "He was probably too busy checking you out to actually pay some attention to what he was doing. 

Allison rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the fact that the boy behind the counter was interested in her. "Ugh whatever, people make mistakes. It should be done by now right?"

I nod. "I think so, it's been like three minutes." 

Allison runs her hand through her think brown curly hair and stands up. "I'll be back in a second." She says and her black converse high tops run down the stairs to the bottom floor. 

I twirl my iced coffee around with my green straw, and the strong sent fills my nose. Allison is the only girl in our little group that doesn't like coffee, she thinks it's too intense of a taste. I remember when she first told me she didn't like coffee. I asked her how she stayed awake without the caffeine, and she told me she never sleeps much anyways. But that was back when we were fifteen and sixteen and she was still suffering from depression, so I'm not exactly sure how she is now. 

I feel like there is some explaining to do about my little friend group that I haven't explained, and I need to. We all met about five years ago online, through a fandom. The six of us, (me, Allison, Sky, Corrine, Melanie, and Leah) became the best of friends and texted all the time. Then about a year later, we all decided to start a blog. Our blog MixedDaily is basically where we just all talk about things on our mind, nothing is really special about it. But even if it's not so special, it has become very popular, people have stopped us asking if we were the girls from MixedDaily before. It's kind of cool to be a little famous, so we all decided to live together in L.A. once we were out of highschool. So now we're here, but the problem is we're still trying to find an apartment to rent. We've been here for five days and have found nothing, and we know nobody. 

About five minutes go by, and Corrine stands up. "Okay, where is Allison? It shouldn't have taken her this long to get her drink. 

"I don't know," I wonder, "Let's go look for her."

So Corrine, Leah and I all march down the stairs to the first floor of the Starbucks. I look at the register, and all the tables and chairs but she's no where. "God, where the hell is she?" Leah exclaims. 

I decide to ask a pretty looking girl sitting with her friends at a small table. "Excuse me, have you seen a girl with dark curly hair, light skin and freckles, and big blue eyes? She's about my height, and she's wearing a striped tee shirt."

"Umm, no, sorry." The girl says in a bitchy tone of voice. 

"Wait, I saw her." I hear a voice from behind me and I swing my head around. When I see who's talking to me I catch my breath, it's the youtuber Kian Lawley. Behind him are more famous youtubers! Tyler Oakley, Ricky Dillon, and Connor Franta! 

"You did? Where is she?" I ask with a shake in my voice. 

"She's in the bathroom, my friend just split coffee all over her." 

The House- A Youtuber FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora