The First Rain

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Chapter 10 (Allison's POV)

We had decided to bring the whole party outside, Kian had even brought out his little stereo for music. "This one's for you, Allison!" Kian said as he played the first song. It was a catchy tune with nice chords, but I have never heard it before.

"Wait why is this 'for me'? Is there something significant I haven't picked up on?" I ask, and Gilinsky throws his head back laughing.

"Actually, yeah. This is Jack and I's music."

My eyes open wide at him, "Wait, really? Are you the one singing?"

He nods his head and gives me a cheeky smile. "Yeah! And Jack is rapping. Our friend Nate is also rapping in this one as well." I'm actually pretty surprised, Jack is a good singer and for some reason I was not expecting that.

"Wow, that's awesome! What's the song called?"

"Like That. It's probably one of my favorite songs that we have produced."

"That's awesome." I say again. "It's really cool that such young people are making their way into the music business."

His eyes shimmer in the lights of the basketball court, "isn't it? There are so many people who don't take us seriously though. Like they think that just because we are young our dreams are unrealistic."

I pout, "Aw, that really sucks. They should know better than that."

Next, Kian plays Trevor's music. I recognize this song only because it's always playing in the house. Trevor dances around the court, singing every line with passion. Then, he grabs Corrine by the hands and spins her around, forcing her to dance with him.

"Wait, are those two like, a thing?" Jack whispers to me.

I shrug, "I don't think so, Corrine hasn't said much to me about him."

He raises his perfect eyebrows and gets really close to me. "Well, I don't know about them, but I'm pretty sure that Matt likes your friend Sky."

"Hmm." I say, quietly. "Maybe. They just met tonight though."

He laughs, "Well I just met you tonight so-" He cuts himself off.

I look up at him and tilt my head, "What's that suppose to mean?" He laughs and backs away. "Seriously!" I say louder, and he runs off. I roll my eyes, boys are so confusing but so obvious at the same time. I decide to run after him, because I'm not letting him get away with that.

Suddenly, everyone hears a crack in the sky, and rain starts to pour down in an instant. I heard both Trevor and Corrine scream, which was pretty funny. Jack stops running and looks up at the sky in amazement. "Well, this is the first time I've seen it rain in California in a long time." 

I laugh, catching up to him. "It's actually the first time I've seen it rain since I've been here."

"Wait, how long have you been here?"

"Only a couple of weeks."

He looks at me, shocked. "Really? So you're new to L.A. huh?" I nod. "Well, I should take you out to some cool places some time, maybe help you get to know the city better."

"Is that you asking me on a date?" I tilt my head, and he nods and steps back a little bit. I can tell he's blushing, even if I can't really see his cheeks in the dark. 

Rain is splashing down on us, but neither of us notice. We're just embarrassedly laughing at the fact that he just asked me out on a date. But then, I nod my head and smile. "You know, I'd love that?"

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