Wrongly accused

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Days past and Johnny's sister was not happy. We call came here broke and she was the only one working at the moment. She ask Aunty if she knows anyone who knows how to search for missing things. Aunty said no and Uncle yelled at her.
"Don't live in my house if you think you're going to be a fool of yourself. I don't like it that you're searching for shaman things for such no reason."
My sister in law got quiet and went back to talking on her phone. The next day I was outside hanging out with my niece. We were on the swing and getting to know each one better.
"Hey Mai, I always wanted to ask you if you can put makeup on me? I like how you know how to put on makeup."
I nodded yes and ran into the house to grab my makeup bag. When I enter the room I saw my mother in law, sister in law and Johnny sitting all around my suit case. I smiled and grab my makeup bag and went back outside. When I got back outside and sat on the swing, I then thought of why they were all around my open suit case. Then it started running into my mind that they thought I was the thief. I was so angry and upset that how can they think it was me? I know I married them for a couple of months only but I wouldn't even steal from them. I came into this family to think they will love me but then this. I started doing my niece makeup and then tears started running down my cheeks.
She asked " What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happened?" I wiped my tears away and nodded.
" So I went to the room to get my makeup bag and saw them sitting around my suit case. It was open. It didn't bother me but now it do. I think they think I stole the missing money so they are digging through my bag. It upsets me that they took me so far away to treat me like this."
N* " Don't cry Mai, if you know you didn't take it then don't care. I know it will upset you because you don't have family but you have me. You can always talk to me. I been with you for almost a month and I'm pretty sure it wasn't you. You're very nice. You came into my room to downstairs where my sister lives and they have money in piggy banks and you never went into their room to take it. You will say you don't feel comfortable going into peoples room without permission and without them home."
" Yeah but it upsets me that they would ever think it's me. I would of thought since we are family they would be on my side." I cried still wiping my tears. After a minute I stop and started doing her makeup again. I kept in mind thinking I'll go and confront them and ask them why are they digging into my clothes. Then I also thought, well they can do that if they want proof that I didn't steal. Johnny never brought it into my attention and ask me. They all kept it quiet. Two days later my mother in law decided to dig through her stuff. I don't know if she purposely did that or what but she was taking out videos of my husband visiting his ex. Even pictures of her. I was so angry I broke the videos and took the pictures and ran outside. I went by the tree and ripped the pictures. I even burned them.
"What are you doing? Why are you here?" I turned to see my aunty and niece coming up to me.
I wiped my tears fast and said , " Oh nothing. Just burning some things."
N* ( this is the older sister who lives downstairs)
" Why are you letting them disrespect you like that?"
A* " How do you feel?"
N* " Girl you are so young! You are underage. Me and my mom both feel like if you want to go back to your mom, we will buy you the ticket and go back. We will drop you off at the airport too. You don't need to pay us back or anything."
I cried even more thinking why are all these people treating me better than my own husband and his family. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
" I don't want to go back without my husband. I chose to marry him and follow wherever he goes. I really do want to go back but I won't."
N* " You should really think it over aunty. Come on let's go back before they are looking for you."
" I'll stay and get some air. I don't want to go back yet."
They got up and left while I stayed by the tree. Sitting down just crying and then someone came and hugged me. I turned and saw it was Johnny.
J* " Why did you burn her pictures? You could of just throw it away or ripped it! Burning it can cause her sickness and death."
" Oh why you still miss her? You care if she gets sick and die but don't even care about your own wife?"
Johnny hugs me and brings me back inside. Everyone was quiet when I walked in. Then his sister said to me, " Why are you crying? You are the one who has Johnny. Those are just old picture and videos." I ignored her and said to myself that one day you will walk my path and one day you will experience more hurt that me. Just wait one day.

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