Let Me Help Your Pain

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He looked into your eyes as you said it dident hurt, he then picked you up startling you a bit.
"Hey! Put her down!" Your friend growled
"I'm not going to gut her, I'm going to go clean the cut and patch it up" he said ad he took you to the backroom locking it so your friend would not bust in, he dident try.
You looked up at him, you were surprised he could pick you up, you were also surprised that he DID pick you up, considering he just met you. He sat you down on a chair and propped your leg up on his leg after he sat down.
"I'm fine, it's not that bad" you told him
"Don't lie, I seen the look in your eyes" he replied and put a liquid on your leg, it burned.
You jumped and accidentally kicked him slightly "Ow!" You yelled
He grunted from the kick.
"S-Sorry" you apologized with a stutter
"Nah nah it's ok, I've hurt worse" he smilled a bit
He cleaned the cut you hummed a song to not have the pain in mind, he hummed with you with a smile. He then wrapped your leg in a bandage and set your leg down out of his lap.
"All better" he smiled
"Thank you Bo" you smiled back
He nodded and got up putting his open hand to yours helping you up.
"No problem" he smiled more

Wax Heart (Vincent Sinclair X Reader/Bo Sinclair X reader)Where stories live. Discover now