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Hitmen. That was the topic of discussion for this weeks case. A hitman traffic scheme. Penelope was frantic trying take down the entire ring. That was the problem with the dark web sometimes being frantic was exactly how they kept it running. I wanted to help, but my hacking ability needed to be on the DL because I needed to get those files Elizabeth found, and I wasn't about to ask her, or hack her.

I would do it my way. Which at this currently point was proving to be difficult, I didn't want to get locked up again, I was doing so well for myself. This was one of those times Emma decided she'd stay back with Jennifer and I. Which is why I was sitting in my office by myself filling paperwork out. Jennifer was hanging out with Penelope. Emma found her way to my door.

She lightly knocked, she looked bored, which meant none of our work was going to get done, which I didn't mind. "Can I help you Agent Watson," I spoke, not looking up. She took a seat in the chair across from my desk.

"I'm bored," there was her accent I missed so much. "This place is boring."

"Well I am sorry there aren't any serial killers on the loose here," I looked up smirking at her.

"Um, I'm looking right at one," she smirked back. "I might have to arrest you."

"I'm not the one that belongs in handcuffs," I smirked. "Am I Ms. Watson?"


"Y/n." I looked up to see Elizabeth, with a smile and some food. "You must be Agent Watson?"

"You must be Elizabeth," she smiled, holding her hand out.

"Glad you two have met, can I help the both of you?"

"Don't act like you were finding that paperwork interesting," Elizabeth cringed, setting a container on the desk.

"It wasn't too bad," I smirked, crossing my arms over my front. "It works."

"Of course it does, so, I was doing some digging and guess what I found," Elizabeth leaned in closer.

"Davis! When did you get here," great. Man of the hour.

"Hey, Davon?"

"Yes, Y/L/N?"

"Fuck off mate, it doesn't suit you, you know putting your nose in other peoples business."

"I am your boss, or did you forget that?" he smirked.

"I suppose so, even still, you couldn't find anybody to do this job, at least, better than me that is."

"What is she doing here? She should be working with her clients," he pointed to Elizabeth.

"Mustn't be bluntly rude, that's a bridge you don't want to burn," I spoke walking over to him. "Or did you forget that," I mocked.

"No need to get hostile, I just came here to ask Emma a question," he chuckled, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, his hair tostled to the left.

"Go on then mate, ask it," I pushed. Looking over at Emma who was listening intently.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me," he asked. Smirking down at me, I shrank, she'd clearly say no? He made her uncomfortable, Elizabeth wore the same expression I was, disgust.

"S-sure," she smiled. What? Excuse me, that wasn't part of the plan. Not running into the eye of the storm. She grabbed her stuff, following him out. I slumped down in the chair next to Elizabeth.

"I'm taking it as that was Miss Neat?" I nodded. "Why would she say yes to him?"

"I don't know. That was really unexpected, honestly thought she would've kicked him in the balls before ever saying yes. Though it makes sense."

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