Chapter 4

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The Next Day....

I entered the restaurant... greeted 'good morning' as I look up I saw no one... but I heard an 'ohayo!' Coming from the direction I was looking at... "Hey! Over Here!" A voice yelled down at at me... it was the waiter who I ordered from at my first time here... "Ah! Gomenasai! Didn't see you." I said blushing in her cuteness... "So your Edogado-San!" She said... "I'm Poplar Taneshima! 17 years old! We'll take care of you!"  She said... How funny... I'm being taken care of by a small girl... "I see! Take care of yourself as well!" I replied... We worked the whole shift together... But I noticed something weird... Why am I toured at the restaurant and not in the kitchen? And where was Takanashi and Inami? I guess their shifts start at monday as always... "I'll introduce you to the part time chefs..." she said scurrying back to the kitchen I ran off with her... "Ah, so you are the new kid?" Said a man with a wide smile. "My name Is Hiroomi, Souma! It's a pleasure meeting you!" He greeted His smile is so creepy... What about that other guy... he's so quiet and gentle... "Konnichiwa, My name is Satou, Jun... Call me anything you like... just do your best at work." He seems more mature from the rest... "A, konnichiwa! Nice meeting  you too! I'm Edogado Shinji! I'll be working with you guys here at the kitchen!" Poplar suddenly realizes it and scratches her head... "What's wrong?" I asked... "I should have toured you in the kitchen only!" I laughed at her mistakes... KAWAII-NE! "Hmm. Taneshima... so simple..." Satou mumbled... Souma's face smiles. He pulls me in to the kitchen... He grabbed a shelf and pulled out a set of tools for cooking. He explained bit-by-bit about the tools and equipment... how to use it. Cleaning it properly, and so on... Satou asked me what I could cook. My favorite was Porridge... Chicken Curry and Southern Fried Chicken... He then handed me out some cook books. "Read them... and use the extra ingredients at the back in practice cooking." He reminded. The Manager looks at the kitchen

"Have you guys seen Yamada?" "Huh? Who's Yamada? " I asked... Souma-san pops out explaining. "She's the trainee of the restaurant! Also My sister/kouhai/junior/-Souma san faints... Satou san hitted him w/ a frying pan."She's the only young full timer here... apparently she's sick..." He said calmly. I was surprised I haven't seen her yet. But being a trainee. She must be present as always... "Yes... A very sick person she is..." Souma-San. What's wrong with you?

TO be continued!
Got lazy, sorry. Have a lot of stuff to do

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