All My Love

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Jonesy didn't know what on Earth got him here. Just a quarter of an hour ago he was in his apartment 4 blocks away lying in his bed completely wide-eyed with his thoughts running at totally absurd speeds. Then, somehow, he had subconsciously made up his mind and called for a taxi cab at 4 o'clock in the morning to Robert Plant's apartment and here he was now.

In nothing but a bathrobe, which was ridiculous considering it was currently snowing in London, he paced with bare feet back and forth on Robert's doorstep. Eventually, his muscles took over his mind and he pulled the doorbell string. He waited with his heart in his throat for all eternity before Robert woke up and dragged himself downstairs to answer the door.

His hair looked genetically closer to a bird's nest than his usual blonde locks and his ocean eyes were so squinted that they just appeared to be slits in his face. It took him a long, drowsy while for him to recognise the small man on his doorstep for the sleep hadn't worn off of his brain quite yet.

"What the fuck...?" He gurgles, his mouth half hung open. "Who're you?"

His bandmate huffs exasperatedly. "It's Jonesy." He answers and all of a sudden, it's like someone lit a fire beneath Robert's feet.

"Holy shit! J-Jonesy?! What the fucking fuck are you doing here? At this hour!" He exclaims with shock instead of the anger Jonesy was expecting. "Come inside, you mad bastard." He says and gently grabs his friend's shoulders before leading him into the kitchen.

For a few seconds, Robert just looks at the other blue-eyed lad with an untranslatable look of 'huh?'. His eyebrows said it all, tweaked into a very, very questioning look. Still, his brain wasn't functioning as fast as usual due to the startling of his sleep and this caused him to look ever so slightly high.

"You alright?" He croaks, glancing his friend up and down for any signs of harm.

"Quite fine, thanks," Jonesy answers back sharply with both his face and voice as monotonous and expressionless as it could get.

This reply only puzzled Robert that much more. Jonesy looked okay, not physically hurt at least and he didn't seem too distressed at all... He didn't look too bad in shape but he certainly wasn't his typical Jonesy. His spark was gone, the happiness, cute timidness, cleverness, wittiness and optimism that shone through his skin daily was missing.

"Ummm... Would you like a warm milk?" The taller blonde asks, at a loss of what to say or do seeing as Jonesy was silent and still.

"No, thank you."

"A tea?"


"Coffee at all???"

"Not at all."

Suddenly, something flickered in Jonesy's seemingly flat eyes and Robert instantly recognised it. Jonesy was exactly like this - all closed up and shut down - whenever they had to play big stadiums and what he saw in saphire of his eyes was the strongest concentrate of fear you can imagine.

"Are you sure you don't even want an Earl Grey? I know you love those things-"

Unexpectedly, Jonesy just burst.


The man in question's face went pink like he's just been yelled at by his mother. Never in his life had he been so darn baffled.

With a deep breath, the bass player continued. "Robert,"

He gulped down the lump in his throat.

"Ever since,"

He wiped the sweat of his palms onto his bathrobe.

"the day I met you,"

He met eyes with him and suddenly, the fear had vanished.

"I've been so bloody in love with you."

The world melted from around them, the sky crumbled, the universe shattered and for Robert, it felt as if the stars had finally aligned. He slowly walked towards his friend, each drawn out movement like torture for Jonesy. As soon as he was in reach, Robert engulfed the smaller man in his arms, pulling him so close to his chest that Jonesy was surrounded by the comforting smell of his skin.

Jonesy's heart was like lightning in his chest as he dug his face into the crook of the singer's neck. He couldn't figure out if this was a pity hug or something else. All until Robert pulled away from him slowly, one hand holding onto the back of his neck and the other tracing smooth patterns on his collarbone, their foreheads pressed together.

"May I kiss you?" Robert whispers tenderly and before he can answer, Jonesy's eyes had shut and his thin lips had pressed against the other man's.

Jonesy thought for a minuscule moment that it was all just a dream and that really he was still in his bed in his apartment. All until he felt Robert's soft eyelashes graze his cheek and he knew a dream couldn't possibly feel this damn tremendous.

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