Good times, Bad times

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They were wrapped in each other's arms lazily as the afternoon sun floated through the blinds and filled the room in a warm, blissful aftermath. Jonesy was already half-asleep in his lover's arms, Jimmy's light chest hair tickling his nose as he engulfed the taller man's sweet scent. Jimmy, on the other hand, simply lay looking down on his peaceful partner, enjoying his view all too much. He couldn't imagine moving out of this position for the world.

Lucky for them, there was a sharp, demanding knock on the door and Jimmy groaned as he shimmied out from under little Jonesy. Quickly throwing on a pair of crusty jeans, he walked to the door and opened it only to be met with two police officers.

"Oh," he frowned, police being the people he would expect the least to show up at his door at a moment like this. "Good afternoon, constables." He greets groggily.

"Hello, Mr Page. I'm afraid I have some rather...difficult news for you and your friend, Mr Jones." One of them informs, taking off his hat mourningfully and Jimmy's eyes widen marginally as they flicker from one officer to the other.

"Yes?" He answers quietly, leaning on his doorway and crossing his arms seriously as he leaned in to listen.

"Well, we have a man at the station that we believe is the body of an acquaintance of yours and Mr Jones's. Do you know of a man by the name of Robert Plant?" He goes on and Jimmy's stomach ties itself in violent knots and he numbly nods.

"I'm afraid so." He whispers in shock.

"If you could please come with us to the station as quickly as possible to identify the body, that would be preferable." The other explains simply. In shock and horror, he mumbles a squeaky 'yes'.

From in their bedroom though, Jimmy could hear Jonesy coming out and he, as unsuspiciously as possible, rushed to try and warn him who was at the door before he came out and made it obvious that they had shagged. But it too late, Jonesy had waddled out of their bedroom with only a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Jimmy cringed and worriedly turned back to see that the police officers were staring back at the couple suspiciously and with a stern eye.

Jimmy swallowed thickly and Jonesy looked like a deer in headlights as he slowly backed up into the room again with Jimmy following. Somewhere in his irrational mind, Jimmy prayed that they would stay oblivious. Although it really wasn't a guessing matter. Jimmy was half-naked with knotted, greasy hair and obviously no boxers on under his tight-fitting jeans and Jonesy was limping about in only a blanket.

"Shit!" Jonesy whisper-screams in a rare moment of cussing.

"They know." Jimmy grunts and presses his forehead into the wall in frustration.

"I'm sorry." Jonesy squeaks so quietly, his boyfriend barely hears, alas, he takes the mousey man by the hand and gives it a forgiving squeeze.

"It's fine, love." He breathes and curses himself instead. This could end up costing them a lot.


Jonesy wanted to do nothing more than hold Jimmy's hand as they waited at the station for the body to be ready for them to view. He nervously glanced at a serious-looking Jimmy who was biting his nail and bouncing his skinny leg furiously.

After all eternity seemed to creep past them teasingly, finally they were ready to see the body. They both stood shakily and Jonesy closed his eyes before he entered the room with 'Robert' inside.

The couple's breath hitched in their throats as a golden-haired figure lay in white clothing on a table in the middle of the otherwise empty room. The room was cold and hideously sterile and the pair's skin crawled even entering it. They edged towards the body slowly and cautiously and the tension surrounding them was one that was so thick it was practically a suffocating smog.

"It's not him." Jimmy breathed in relief once they'd seen the face of someone who wasn't their good friend.

"Oh gosh. Thank god!" Jonesy almost fainted and put a hand on Jimmy's shoulder to steady himself. They both looked at each other and laughed in relief and shock and disbelief; they were over the moon that it wasn't their beloved Percy.

"It's not all good news I'm afraid, gentlemen." A man they hadn't noticed, spoke from in the room's doorway, flanked by the same two officers who'd come to their apartment. Jonesy swallowed the lump in his throat as the officers approached. "You're both under arrest on suspicion of homosexuality."

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