Going Mobile

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Roger's eyes flickered up from his morning paper to the door as three sharp knocks echoed down the hall to where he was sitting in the kitchen peacefully. With one last sip of his tea, he stands and walks over to his unexpected guest. As he opens a door, he's surprised to see someone he doesn't recognise.


"Urm, Hi. I'm Pete. My car crashed just down the road and I was wonderin' if I could use your telephone?" A very tall and lanky boy with dark hair trimmed into the typical Mod hairstyle and bright blue orbs asks. He spoke very quickly and matter-of-factly, so much so that Roger almost didn't catch what he had said.

"Oh yeah. Of course. I don't know who you could call though, but I could have a look at it if you wanted." He kindly offers and the boy bites his lip for a second, standing with his tall and gangly figure bent awkwardly. Seemingly have made his decision, he nods and smiles distractedly.

"If you wouldn't mind." He says politely, and Roger smiles, gesturing for him to wait a moment. He grabs his coat and swiftly ties on his boots before, locking the door of his house and motioning for Pete to lead the way. As they make their way up the gravel driveway, Roger subtly eyes up the younger boy critically. His clothes were practically in rags and he smelt like marijuana if you walked too close to him. Bags under his eyes framed his sky-blue irises and long black lashes brushed against his cheeks when he looked down or blinked.

"So how'd you manage to crash your car, then? Dog get in your way?" Roger asks as an attempt to make friendly conversation. Pete chuckles slightly and makes brief eye contact as they walk.

"Nah. I have this thing called Epilepsy and I get seizures sometimes; happened when I was driving." he briefly explains and Roger's widen marginally. They walk alongside the road, and up ahead Roger can just make out the figure of a red car, smoke trailing gently out of its hood.

"Christ. Surely you're not allowed to drive with a thing like that; you'd have too many accidents." The blonde remarks and the lanky brunette blushes, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, well...today I was feeling lucky."

"Guess you got that wrong, hey?" Roger chuckles and Pete mirrors the sound.

"Yeah, I suppose." Pete sighs, scratching the back of his neck as they finally approach the car.

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