I got tagged........again

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Okay, here we go, fellas.

Thanks, mccharmlyY and Magical_Macca

Age: 15 (I'm still a younging😭)

Birthday: The 17th of December

Favourite Colour: Yellow

Favourite day of the week: Probably Friday cuz school goes out, I have footy training + orchestra, my brother comes over and it's take away night. Woop Woop.

Favourite Food: Fre Sha Vaca Do

Favourite Drink: A cool glass of water is always nice but I'm gonna say apple juice.

Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour: English Toffee, y'all.

Best Friend: A lovely person by the name of Bella.

Best Subject: I'd say Sport and Outdoor Education although I love Duke of Edinburgh.

Favourite song:

Of all time: Eminence Front by The Who.

Right Now: Bitch by The Rolling Stones.

Top 3 60s bands: The Who, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Top 3 70s bands: Led Zeppelin, The Bee Gees and...can I say The Stones or The Who again...?

Top 3 80s bands: Fuck man, I don't listen to 80s music. Ummm...The Red Hot Chili Peppers, technically Nirvana and Wings.

Favourite Album of All Time: Bruvvvv, this is so freaking hard. Imma have to say Kind of Blue by Miles Davis

Current Favourite Album: Probably the soundtrack to Pulp Fiction.

Top 3 Solo Artists: Elvis Presley, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.

Top Favourite Modern Day Band/Artist: Duuude, I don't like ANY modern day stuff. Call me an old fogie, but it's the truth. Can I say The Who? They released an album last year, that's modern, ain't it?

Alright, my ten people:


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