The letter of hope

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*~Play "Hearing" by "Sleeping At Night"*~

Dear, Hinata Shoyo:

We used to be rivals who despised each other, unable to play together. I wonder what changed... I think I know,

We found what were desperately looking for within the other, we found peace.

You would always ask me if I'm okay over and over, never once have I lied. Being with you always made me happy.

I couldn't help but blame myself for your pain. You had an exhausted look in your eyes, but hid your struggles away.

We live in different worlds, but, does that make us different? We loved each other, isn't that all that matters?

I've always admired your skills, you have intelligent eyes and a shining smile that you couldn't help but love.

I believe fate brought us together, do you believe so too? Or is it coincidence? I guess only God knows.

You always felt you had the responsibility to help everyone around you.

You carried the broken hearts of others, but what about yours? I wanted to protect you, but instead, I hurt you.

It isn't your responsibility to fix other people's problems, allow me to carry your pains with you.

It is not your fault, it never was. I want you to. Live for yourself and no one else. Be some you'll be proud.

You don't have to handle everything alone, I'll always be here with you, always.

You promised me you won't leave me, but I left you..

I truly believed it was for the better, without me you'll be happier. I allowed my body to bleed...

But as I took my last breathe, I realized, we needed each other...

I'm sorry.

We were just too naive to understand.. Promises are nothing more than words, they hold no true meaning...

We were like two little kids,
unable to let go, unable to run away.


People often don’t look for happiness or money, they seek for forgiveness. Unable to forgive themselves for their mistakes and sins, often running away as they refuse to face the consequences. But we’re all humans, we’ve all made mistakes and we know that... But even then, we're unable to forgive ourselves... Because we're unable to forgive them.


Author's note:

I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS STORY, OMG FINALLY I'M FINISHED. I might release a chapter explaining some stuff in the story. Anyways, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED IT!!

I'm starting a new story soon so feel free to check it out if you're interested to keep up with my work. If you have any questions, let me know! And I am sorry if this hurt, it hurt me too 💀

By the ways if you're confused, this is Kageyama's letter to Hinata.

Unable to let go, unable to run away | Kagehina AngstWhere stories live. Discover now