Chapter 1

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Agent Danny Williams was sitting at his desk when his boss approached and handed him a file. He took it, “What's this?”

His boss said, “Your new assignment.”

“I don't take protection details anymore, remember?” Danny frowned at the file. He still had flashbacks from his last assignement. He was standing in front of the man he was protecting. A bullet flew next to his ear and into the man's face, killing him immediately.

“It wasn't your fault, Dannyeveryone keeps telling you that. Anyway, I can't give this assignment to anyone else. You're my only option.”

Danny frowned again, “And why's that?”

His boss glanced over his shoulder as he walked away, “Just read the file.

Danny opened the file. The first thing he saw was the photo attached to the inside of the light brown cover; white male, hazel-gray eyes, brown hair, and a scar going through the man's right eye. The eye didn't seemed damaged. He moved on to the personal details; Lieutenant Commander Steven J.McGarrett. Military.

Great, he thought. Military personnel made a protection detail difficult. They were always making the life of the agent assigned to protect them hell—and they took too many risks. He flipped the page. No family, born and raised in Hawaii, not much more information. When he reached the medical information, he understood the reason he was being selected. Deaf.

He was the only one in the office, other than his boss—and Chin, who was on leave—who knew sign language. He continued reading the medical details. A year ago, Commander McGarrett was on a mission when a grenade exploded a meter away from his head. Which explained the scar across his right eye, and the deafness.

Danny paused. That mission was also the reason the Commander was being given a protective detail. He had to find out more about the mission to do the job correctly—even though he knew that Navy SEALs' missions were strictly classified.

He grabbed the file and went straight to his boss' office. "I'll take it under one condition."

Boss looked up, "Okay, what?"

"I need to learn more about the mission the Commander was on when he was injured."

"I knew that you would asked that." His boss pressed the button under his desk, and the room locked up; turning to a safe room. Nothing could get in and out of it. "Whatever we say, can't and won't leave this room."

Danny nodded, ’’ Y eah,fine,about the mission?’’

"It was a capture or kill mission. The information was leaked to the target, so the target had full knowledge of the details of the Commander's mission. Everything went sideways as you can imagine, and the Commander was captured and tortured for days, until he escaped just an hour before the rescue team arrived. He found the target and fought with him. The target stabbed him in his abdomen, and when he fell back, he shot the target twice in the chest with the gun next to him. When the target fell back, he threw a grenade next to the Commander's head. The Commander tried to move away,but he had been stabbed,so the grenade exploded a meter away from his face. When the rescue team found him, he was barely alive. They moved him to the hospital in Hawaii. Now you know."

Danny was looking at the Commander's photo. He couldn't believe what the Commander went through, and yet, he only had the scar on his face—and the loss of hearing, of course.

"You're scheduled to meet him at the Kindred Hospital in two hours."

Danny looked up from the photo, "He's here?"

He moved here from Hawaii after he got released from the hospital." His boss said. "He had no family and he didn't had any other reason to stay there."

Danny shrugged He turned around, his boss unlocked the room and Danny left. He went to his apartment, packed a bag and headed for the hospital. He knew his meeting wasn't for another hour, but he wanted to meet the Commander as soon as possible. He couldn't understand why the meeting was at the hospital until he arrived.

He entered the room and he found the Commander getting dressed. "Special Agent Danny Williams, I'm here for—"

Then he remembered,the Commander couldn’t hear him,he had to do something so the Commander knew that he was here. He got his phone out and turned on the flashlight. The Commander noticed it and turned around and saw him there.

Danny spelled "A-G-E-N-T D-A-N-N-Y F-B-I’’,pointed to himself and signed "I am here to protect you’’ and he offered his hand for a handshake.

Steve gave his hand and then he just looked at Danny. Danny knew that he had to make Steve feel comfortable here so he decided to introduce himself a bit better.

"I am…’’ he signed and then he signed the letter D and the sign for tie,this was his name sign in ASL.

Steve signed "I am…’’ and then he signed the letter S and the signe for the seal,his own name sign

Danny signed "Nice to meet you’’

Steve said "I know that you are here for my protection detail but I told the bureau I don’t need one, you can go now’. He looked at Danny sharply and pointed towards the exit, hoping this would be enough for the other man to leave.

He didn’t knew how persistent Danny was and that he was not taking no as an answer. He signed "Why are you here?’’

"Someone ran me over." Steve answered.

Danny answered back, signing sharply to make his point,’’You still think you don’t need me?’’tapping his chest at "me’’ to emphasize.

Steve pointed his fist in the air, punched to answer, "yes.’’

"Well, you need to stay in the hospital for now, and you need me." Danny signed back, "so you have no choice."

"I'm fine," Steve replied, "nothing I can't handle’’ Steve looked at him, his face as determined as he could.

Danny shrugged and crossed his arms for a couple of second minutes to point that he didn’t take no as an answer. He signed "I get the all clear from your doctor and then safe house’’. He signed that and turned around to go find a nurse to call Steve’s doctor.

Steve sighed but aggreed,’’O-K’’ he signed and sat to the bed waiting for the Danny and the doc to arrive.

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