Chapter 5

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After a couple hours, he started getting a bit dizzy and he just wanted to sleep. He knew that there were agents outside the door for protection, but he also knew whoever did this had to be on the inside, since his Camaro hadn't left FBI's garage all afternoon.

He couldn't trust anyone else with Steve's life. He knew that if someone could get to his car, they could easily get to the safehouse. He had to get Steve somewhere else. Someplace where Danny knew he would be safe, and no one would knew where they were except his boss. He trusted his boss, like no one else,.He was sure his boss was clean.

Even though he fought hard with himself, he eventually fell asleep, his head on Steve's chest, listening to the calming sound of Steve's breathing.


Next morning Danny woke up when he heard someone calling his name. He looked at Steve who was still sleeping, then he looked to the other side and saw his boss.

"Danny. Danny, wake up." His boss said.

"Good morning, boss." Danny replied.

"Good morning, Danny." His boss handed him a bag, with his and Steve's clothes, and a second bag, with donuts, and a cup of coffee.

"Thank you boss." Danny said. He loved his boss like a second father, and this was probably the reason he trusted him so much.

"You're welcome, Danny," His boss said. "CSU has processed everything."

"And?" Danny asked.

"It was a bomb." His boss said, "It was designed to specifically make the car flip upside down, and to injure you two, rather than kill you. It was rigged to explode after a specific number of miles."

"I knew it. He wrote something on a paper and gave it to his boss to read.

His boss said, "Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent." Danny replied. "Nobody, other than the people in this room, will know. It's too risky."

Okay,sure. Go get ready, I will watch over the Commander." His boss said.

Danny nodded in agreement, but he was worried.He trusted his boss but this was Steve's life they were talking about. Why was he so anxious? He thought. He got dressed up as fast as he could and he walked out.

He sat next to Steve, and ate a donut and drunk some of his coffee. "I'll call you when I move him."

His boss said, "Okay. You need anything else, Danny?"

Danny replied, "I'm fine. Thanks."

"You're welcome." His boss left.

After several minutes, Steve opened his eyes, he tried to sign Danny’s name sign,he did the D with his right hand but when he tried to move his left arm upwards to complete the sign for the tie his arm stayed in his chest, making circles instead of a straight line.The sign was more like Danno than Danny.

Steve sighed in frustration and said, "I can’t damn it!’’

Danny looked at him and hugged him,then he let go and signed, "I'm here. How are you feeling?"

"My shoulder hurts and my head is about to explode, but OK, what—what happened?" Steve said, his shoulder restraining his movements

"I'm calling the doctor." Danny pressed the red button next to Steve's bed, and a nurse came.

"How can I help you?"

Danny said, "He's awake, call the doctor."

"Okay." The nurse left.

Danny turned to Steve, "Doctor's on his way."

Steve signed, "Thanks.What happened?"

"There was a bomb under my car, so we're changing safehouses.’’

Steve signed, "OK."

The doctor came in. "Good morning, Commander, Special Agent."

The doctor turned to Danny and started talking. ’"The Commander had a head injury and blood loss from the cut to his arm . I know you want to get him out as soon as possible but I would wait at least two days.’’

"Speak directly to Steve, I will translate so he can understand.’’

Danny was signing everything he and the doctor were saying.The doctor turned and talked to Steve but after a few minutes he turned and started talking to Danny again.

Danny got angry at him. He was talking and signing at the same time so Steve could understand.’’Talk directly to Steve or we will request another doctor.’’

The doctor turned to Steve and the rest of the conversation went as smooth as possible.When the doctor left Steve tried to remove the sling.Danny turned to him and signed "What are you doing?’’

"Taking this thing off," Steve replied, "I don't need it."

Danny went next to him and signed "You do. Put it back or I will.’’ His face was angry and his signs sharp.

Steve looked at Danny.

Danny signed, "NOW." It was sharper and bigger,which made Steve back off.

Steve signed, "Fine." before putting the sling back on and laying back, resting his head on the soft pillows of the hospital bed.

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