Chapter 8

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This morning Danny woke up at seven only to see Steve, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, ready to go for a run like every other day. He got up, touched Steve's shoulder, and Steve turned around and looked at him.

Danny signed sharply, "NO."

Steve asked, "What?"

"You're not going for a run." Danny replied.

Steve asked, "Why?"

"It's not safe, you are injured," Danny signed, "someone wants to kill you.’’He signed that there are more reasons,his face as serious as possible.

"Come on, Danno," Steve signed, "I'm bored. It's been months since I've done something that I like."

Danny signed, "I won't risk your life because of your stupidness."

"My what?" Steve asked.

Danny replied, "Stupidity. Your thick head."

Steve signed, "I'm not stupid."

"You are. Now sit down, because I can't do my job any other way." Danny signed, "I'm going to make coffee, don't escape from the window."

Steve saluted with his right hand, "Yes sir."

Danny left the room, amd Steve followed him to the kitchen. He went up behind Danny and hugged him.

What the? Danny turned, and looked at Steve. "What are you doing?"

Steve was too stressed to talk. He could barely sign, his hand was shaky, but he managed to sign something anyway. "Sorry I hugged you."

"It's not a problem," Danny signed, "but I could've hit you and you are injured badly enough."

Danny saw that Steve was looking at him. He probably wanted to say something he thought. Hecould understand that Steve was holding back.

"I'm sorry, Danno." This was the only thing Steve managed to sign.

Danny replied, "Tell me Steve.’’ His signing was direct and clear.

Steve signed, "What?"

"You want to say something but you are holding back.’ Danny replied

Steve replied shyly, his head down, "I don’t want to.’’

Danny signed, "Steve.’’


Steve thought he would sign it so he tried. He tried to move his hands but he couldn’t,his face red from embarassement. He shouted, "I can’t.’’

He couldn't. He turned around and exited the kitchen, red from embarassement for behaving like this, for not be able to hold back his feelings. He went to their room, locked the door, and stayed there.


Danny ran behind him. Danny knew exactly what Steve wanted to tell him—he could see it in his eyes.

Danny got his phone out and started texting Steve," Open the door, or else I'll break it down."

Steve texted back, "Go away, Danno."

Danny texted again. "Steven, for many reasons you shouldn't close, or lock it. Open the damn door now because I am not kidding when I say I will break it."

Steve sat up and opened the door.

Danny furiously entered the room and starts signing too fast but Steve could still understand, "You are never doing this again, got it?"

Steve signed, "I just can't tell you Danno. I can't."

Danny replied, "You can tell me anything, Steve."

Steve signed "Not this, I can’t.’’

Danny was frustrated but not angry, his expression soft and caring, ’’I know what you want to tell me, I love you too’’ and he punched Steve's right shoulder and then he hugged him.

Steve said, "What? You do? How did you knew?"

"Your eyes wouldn't shut up and I remember when you tried to tell me before the car crash." Danny signed.

Steve asked, "I did what?"

"You don't remember?" Danny replied.

Steve said, "No,the whole ride is blank. I am sorry Danno, I…"

Danny gently placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder and when he got Steve's attention he signed "Stop’’.

Steve signed, "Yes, Danno?"

"Shut up." He pulled Steve into a kiss and Steve didn't hold back. On the contrary, he became an active participant in it. They had both wanted this for so long.

Suddenly Danny's phone rang and he picked it up, "Yeah?"

His boss said, "Danny?"

"Yeah, boss?" Danny answered.

"I have bad news and good news. The good news is that NCIS managed to find who was behind this." His boss said, "The bad news is that he's in a very high position, and he's on his way to you. He found out where you are hiding. I'm on my way. SWAT too, but they won't be there soon enough, so get ready."

"Okay." He closed his phone, and turned to Steve.

Steve asked, "What's going on?"

Danny signed, "Follow me, A-S-L only. I'll explain on the way to the basement."

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