Chapter 9

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They left and headed downstairs, to the basement. Danny explained to Steve everything. When they arrived, Danny went to a gun safe box and got two rifles out. He gave one to Steve. Danny signed, "These are my dad's old hunting rifles. They are clean and working."

Steve signed, "O-K, grenades." He pulled two grenades out of his pocket and handed them to Danny. "I have four, you can use these two."

Danny signed, ’’Oh God, I am in love with a maniac’’

Steve replied, ’’I am your maniac, right?" His expression was worried

Danny rolled his eyes and went and hugged him. How could someone be so stupid and insecure? "Yes." He really punched the air so Steve could see it, his movement fast and big.

Smiles spreaded across both their faces while they prepared the rifles.

Steve signed, "Go close the door. I will make explosives. I need some bottles and gasoline."

He took his shirt off and tried to rip it, but Danny stopped him.

"What are you doing? Put that back on." Danny pointed, "Use those old rags."

Steve signed, "O-K."

Danny headed upstairs,the rifle slung over his shoulder, and closed everything. Steve came upstairs with three bottles full of gasoline and rags stuffed into the top of them. They saw Danny's boss' car arrive.He gots out. He got a rifle from his trunk, three tac vests, and headed into the house. He got inside and Danny locked the door. Everyone put on a tac vest.

Boss signed, "S-W-A-T is five minutes out."

Steve looked out the window, waiting for them to arrive. When they arrived after a couple of seconds, Steve looked shocked. Danny could see how his face turned pale, and the sadness and anger took over.

He laid a hand to Steve's shoulder and Steve turned and looked at him.

Danny signed,’’You O-K? Want to sit?’’

"No,the person who arrived, it's’’,he paused for a second, "my Commander." He looked at Danny, sad and angry, "I can't believe it. He was like a father to me."

"I guess not everyone is lucky enough to have a good boss," He looked at his boss.

His boss smiled, "Enough with the compliments, Danny, let's take down these bastards."

Steve got a lighter out and lit up the rags. As soon as the fire caught, he threw them at the cars. He killed two.

Steve signed, "Two down, eight to go. Let's go upstairs."

The other two agreed. They headed upstairs. As soon as they left, Steve's Commander and the other guys came inside, knocking the door down. A shootout followed. Steve, Danny, and his boss had just managed to kill some of the guys when the Commander tossed a grenade into the room the three of them were in.

As soon as Steve saw it,he jumped on Danny and his boss, and pushed them into the corner, using his body to protect them. When the grenade went off, Steve fell unconcsious. Steve's Commander approached them, his gun pointed at Steve.

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