Emmet gets involved

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"Uhhh yeah I- Uh do have a mate actually"

Rose Temporarily takes her eyes off the road to face me with a excited look on her face.
Alice who is sitting in the back leans closer and I look out the window.
"You don't seem all to excited"
Rose says now worried.

I nod and say
"Well my living conditions with my father doesn't really help"
Alice nods and says
"Whose this lucky duck"

I inhale deeply and say
Alice galas dramaticly and I smile to my self.
"Well now your staying with us you can meet him"

I chock on air and turn to her and laugh.
She seems confused to way my laughing and I calm down and says
"I kind of kicked him out of the palace..."

Rose parked the car in the drive way fast and swiftly and yells

I nod and say
"Didn't want him to get killed is all"

Rose and Alice get out of the car in vampire speed and only a mere second later pulling me out to.

We get into the house and rose grabs emmet from him watching a formal game on the big screen tv.

He seems upset but rose ignores his yelling.

We go back outside and she lets go of his shoulder once we are clear of hearing range in the tall trees.

She explains in vampire speed then he gazes to me with a smirk that is now stuck in my head.
I widen my eyes knowing what's going to happen and I start to run back towards to house doing my best to not be apart of their plan.

Emmet wraps his large arm around my torso and brings me back still smiling.

I swung and kick in the air trying to escape this plan of his.
Alice and rose seemed just as excited as emmet was but they kept it to them selves letting only a smile slip through.

We were now sitting on soft moss covered rocks.
I poured as emmet explained the plan.

"Ok I'm great at this so just hear me out and NOOOO interrupting." He looks at me and I stick out my touch like a child.

"Alice you know where this kid lives right"
"Don't you have his aunts number"
"Correct. For hybrid reasons of course"
"Sure. So your going to call her and tell her about their you know..."

I look up from the moss I was fiddling with and throw it at him making him laugh.

"We are going to pretend that they happen to meet at the same place at the same time"
I roll my eyes and let him continue...

Sorry it's so short I will update soon!

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