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If I can only form half a smile,
Does it make me just half a man?
Am I a glass half empty if I don't feel half full?
It takes half a heart to complete your own,
But where did we hear that really?
Human anatomy is not a jigsaw puzzle,
Your heart and my heart does not make a whole,
It makes a convulsing bloody mess.
When did 4 stop being a number,
And start becoming an equation?
'2 plus 2 is not 5' they say,
But why split things in half,
When the end result is still the same?
If I give you half of my attention
What do you do with it?
If I pay half a mind
What am I buying?
If I take only half a step,
Will I only end up half way there?
Was Zeno correct when he proposed that motion doesn't exist?
Will the arrow really never hit the target,
Just infinitely move closer by half?
If I divide myself endlessly,
Like an extreme stop-motion animation,
Will I cease to exist?
But then surely I would remain invincible,
Always present and changing,
Long after my body is lying in a box,
Rotting and decaying,
Until I become the coal that heats the homes of human of the far future

Death by Words: A Selection of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now