just your typical punk song plot, but make it a shitty poem

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I wonder did you ever leave our town,
Where you said you were doomed to stay?
Did your mom ever get another dog,
After your last one died?
I don't recall what was ever good,
Because all that comes to mind is how everything made us so unhappy.

These streets seems so dull,
But then they were never full of colour,
So what's the point in trying to see what was never there?
I drive by your house and it seems that nobody's home,
Not your or your parents or somebody new,
Could it still be yours if you're not even here?
Your house, your street, our deadbeat town,
It will always belong to us,
No matter how far we run away.

In the night they look like ghosts,
The absent souls that wander down the roads,
The broken people forgetting their purpose,
They're all fading, lost even to memory.

Were we ever like that?
We must have been.
So passive and confused,
I guess that's why we wanted to leave so bad,
To find a place that made us feel alive,
Anywhere that we weren't walking to our graves.

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