Agony in a New York Apparment

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Your coffee is out on the kitchen side,
It kills me to know it's only getting cold,
And you're getting further and further away.
There's a stack of newspapers piled against the door,
Who is there to read them if it's not you?
I've burnt a thousand pancakes for you,
Just the way you like them,
But they all just went to the strays on the street,
Because that's who's there to eat them
When it's not you.
I wish that you'd have left something behind,
Apart from the final words you said,
Which I didn't know were your last ones to me.
I find company in the dark,
Talking to the shadows.
I'm not alone with the light of the city
Blinking through the window at me.
The trees always wave at me,
But the birds still stay quiet
When I ask them where you went.
I have to buy myself roses on Sunday mornings,
And another pack of cigarettes,
That I will never smoke.
I drive myself to the beach and read as the sun goes down,
It's surprising how quiet it gets,
When you're not there to play your songs.
'And all I loved, I loved alone'
The more of you I loved,
The more I was alone,
Because isn't that how it's supposed to go?
I tell you my deepest feelings and you leave me in the night.
How can I remember the good times,
When you just remind me of the bad?
I can barely see your image in my head,
You're blurry around the edges,
Like a photo exposed to too much light,
Your features don't add up,
Your face no longer makes sense,
Your eyes were never that sad,
Your mouth never frowned like that.
Or did I just not notice,
Too caught up in thinking I was loved
To notice you were drifting away,
With no string attached to your waist
For me to pull you back to me.
You floated off on august 28th,
Now sunny days are just pain to me.

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