Put it in rice

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A/N Sorry about not posting school has been a bit hard. it's even harder when trying to get into the IB program for highschool :P


GLaDOS was working on one of her projects as Y/n is playing on an Aperture Science Tablet. Y/n was playing an educational game named 'Aperture Letters . Everything on the tablet was called Aperture something, or something Aperture. Y/n was learning letters but they were getting thirsty. Y/n looked at GLaDOS and tugged at her skirt.

"Mamma?" Y/n asked.

"Yes y/n?" GLaDOS answered still working.

"Drink!" Y/n exclaimed.

GLaDOS looked down at the child. "Alright I'll get you water" she said putting down her pencil. "Stay here!" She said walking away.

Y/n went back to the tablet.

A for Aperture

B for bacteria

C for chromosomes

D for deoxyribonucleic acid

E for example

F for frequency

G for gravity

H for hypothesis

I for innovative

J for joule

K for kilogram

L for laboratories

M for mass

N for neurotoxins

O for observation

P for parallel circuit

Q for questions

R for risk

S for science

T for theory

U for ultraviolet

V for velocity

W for weight

X for xenobiotic

Y for yttrium

Z for zygote

GLaDOS came back with the water and placed it on the ground next to Y/n. She went back to her work as Y/n played on the Aperture tablet.

Y/n picked up the cup of water and drank a bit of it. Y/n looked down at the tablet and poured the water all over the tablet. GLaDOS heard the water splash and turned quickly to look at Y/n and her now soaked tablet. GLaDOS slowly got up and looked at the tablet.

"What happened, Y/n?" GLaDOS said her anger started to seep through but kept her voice calm.

"uh oh" Y/N said innocently as the tablet stated to glitch and turn off.

"uh oh is right" GLaDOS said taking the tablet from Y/n "I'll fix it, stay here and don't touch anything."

GLaDOS left the room. Y/n got up and went to GLaDOS' work station. She was working on a small robotic body that look like Y/n. It said 'Y/n-aDOS' on the top middle of the blue paper. GLaDOS came back to see Y/n standing on her chair. Y/n was about to fall off when, GLaDOS quickly grabbed Y/n and took them off the chair.

"careful, you don't want to fall." She said putting the child down on the ground.

"Play!" Y/n yelled out and tugged on GLaDOS' skirt again.

"No Y/n. i'm busy" GLaDOS said but Y/n didn't let go of her skirt. Y/n had the biggest puppy eyes anyone had ever seen on. "Fine."

GLaDOS and Y/n played peek a boo, hide and seek and tag for hours. They were having lots of fun so much fun that time went by so quickly they didn't even realize it was already 9:30 pm. GLaDOS picked up Y/n and took her back to the central core room (GLaDOS' lair). Y/n yawned and fell a sleep on GLaDOS. GLaDOS found a chair to sit on as y/n slept in her arms.


sorry it's a bit of a shorter chapter then I normally do.

GLaDOS' Pet (GLaDOS x child reader) (MOVED TO NEW ACCOUNT)Where stories live. Discover now