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(art made by theendermenace, thank you!! (☆▽☆))

GLaDOS was getting ready to go to the surface with Y/n. GLaDOS didn't really want to take Y/n with her, she knew what had happened up there and she wasn't sure if it was safe up there yet. Y/n did really want to come with and growing humans do need fresh air and sun light. Eventually GLaDOS allowed it.

Money wasn't really a problem sense GLaDOS found lots of money just by going through different offices and looking through drawers of office tables and stuff like that. Just stuff left behind by past employee's that GLaDOS killed. Plus Aperture being in debt didn't matter anymore sense the alien apocalypse had over thrown the government and now Aperture is nothing more than a distant memory. Plus GLaDOS highly doubt there would be anyone up there anyway. Money was just in case anyone was up their.

Once GLaDOS was ready she picked up Y/n and took the lift all the way up to the surface. It took them to an ally way of an abandoned town. Different from the wheat field she let Chell out in, it was a failed attempt to get Chell to come back sense civilization was far away and sense there might have been no civilization there anyway. What GLaDOS was not expecting was that the once abandoned town was no longer abandoned. Sure not many people were there but still humans were in fact there.

GLaDOS eased a little to see humans rather then brain eating aliens but still kept her guard up. She went. Over to the only store open which was a medium sized convenient store. GLaDOS silently hoped there would be non-perishable canned goods there. Luckily there was and sense society was basically starting over they weren't very expensive. GLaDOS quickly payed for everything and left the store.

That's when Y/n spotted a park. "Mama I want play!" Y/n said happily pointing to the park. GLaDOS really did not want to stay too much longer on the surface but figured it would be okay if she let Y/n play for at least a little while.

GLaDOS sat on a near by bench as she carefully watched Y/n play in a sand box. They seemed to be pretending that they were digging for bones and GLaDOS found herself wondering if Y/n would become a paleontologists one day. Then two adult humans ran up to Y/n and hugged her. GLaDOS jumped to her feet and ran over to Y/n.

"Excuse me, what- " GLaDOS started but then slowly started to realize...

"we were worried sick about you!" the female said still hugging Y/n. She was crying. "what are you doing out here?"

"we thought you were dead!" A male said, seemingly on the verge of tears.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Y/n cried out hugging them back.

GLaDOS slowly backed away from them. They hadn't noticed she was even there. She eventually turned away and took the canned goods she had bought and went back to the facility not looking back at Y/n or her parents. she was just a care giver for the time being, not a mom. Now Y/n did not need GLaDOS.

Y/n was taken back home. The parents had wondered where Y/n had gotten new clothes and how they weren't all dirty besides being in the sand box. They would never know that a supercomputer took care of their beloved child.

The end

GLaDOS' Pet (GLaDOS x child reader) (MOVED TO NEW ACCOUNT)Where stories live. Discover now