He's Back

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Hoseok's POV
It was time for more dancing today, everyone was in the studio and I was just standing in the back with Ally, since I wanted to avoid Seulgi, Taemin and Chungha the best I could for now and until the end of school. Everyone danced and I felt daggers on the side of my head but I tried ignoring it. Finally we were all able to change back out of our dance clothes and head to the hallway. I was walking to my locker when Seulgi got in front of me. "Yah, why can't you just have confidence in yourself?" I stayed quiet and tried walking away but Taemin grabbed my wrist. "Stop being so rude and look at her." I looked at Seulgi. "I-It's really none of your concern..." "No because it isn't fair that you can just not worry about dancing! You'll just be stuck doing nothing so why bother staying here at the dance academy!?" I was starting to get a bit scared and some people started noticing Seulgi and I and starting to form a small crowd around us.

"Come on why bother even being here!?" I couldn't really respond but someone ran to us. "Guys! He's back!" Everyone ran to the entrance and was talking over one another. I took it as my chance to run out of the hallway and run to my dorm. I sighed and fell onto my bed and looked at the ceiling. Now that he's back, everything will be focused on him for now, so that means Seulgi will be focused on him as well. I got up and went to the living room to watch some TV when there was a knock on the door so I walked to the door and checked who it was. I realized it was Ally so I opened the door.

"Oh hey Ally, come in!" She walked in and sat on the couch and I sat next to her. "Hey Hoseok, I was gonna ask you something." "Okay what is it?" "Why did everyone crowd around that one guy when he entered?" I sighed. "That's Park Jimin, the #1 dancer here at the school, usually he'll be gone for a major performance like now, I don't exactly remember where he went to this time." "Wow, so then he must be really good!" I nodded. "Yeah, he had been dancing since he was 4, hopefully I get to dance as good as him.." "I think you'll be a way better dancer than him!" I smiled a bit. "Maybe...but I'll never be able to show my dancing...I'm too scared." "Nonsense! You'll just take longer with your confidence! Don't let Seulgi get to you." Ally smiled and we both just started watching TV. After watching TV for awhile, we heard a bunch of footsteps and talking, I'm guessing it was Jimin walking with whoever was crowding him.

After awhile, Ally left and I got my dance clothes ready and made sure no one was in the dance studio and closed the door and quickly changed into my dance clothes and stretched for awhile and finally started dancing.

??? POV
I was walking around when I heard music so I went up to it and saw someone dancing. They looked beautiful dancing, moving around smoothly, he wasn't stiff at all. I stayed the entire time and smiled to myself, he has potential. After he finished dancing I quietly left and went back into my dorm.

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