The Company

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~A couple of months later~
Hoseok's POV
We were now in our second semester after a good winter break, I had gone home to my family for Christmas and came back about a couple of days before school starting again. I was walking with Jimin and talked to Ally and Chungha. "So how did winter break go for you guys?" "It was fun! I went home to my family for the winter break and it was fun! How about you Jimin?" "Just went home, I don't live far from here so it was easy to drive home!" He smiled and we all walked to class, we all had the same morning class. Everyone started filling in and sitting at the desks while the teacher walked inside.

"Hello class, hopefully you all had a great winter break, but now it's time to focus on the last semester, majority of you are graduating and going on to start your career. So let's get this last semester finished." I sighed a bit and continued listening. "We have new rankings in the top 5, starting with number 5, Ally Lee, number 4, Taemin, number 3 Chungha, number 2, Hoseok." The teacher looked at me and smiled a bit. "And number 1, Jimin." Everyone clapped. "Also another important thing to know, there is a spring festival so if you guys would like to help, let Mr.Kim know so he can give you a role to help in. Now let's continue class." She turned around and was writing something on the whiteboard. Everyone was focusing and I looked at Jimin, and he didn't look so good. "You okay Jimin?" He nodded. "Just coming down with a cold." "Okay...I think you should go back to your dorm to rest after this class..." he nodded and I went back to listening to the teacher.

The bell rang and everyone got up and left, but the teacher held me back. "Hoseok, I'm proud you made it to the top 5! After your performance during winter break, a lot of agencies wanted to meet up with you, luckily some are here today so you can talk to them and maybe decide on where to go." I smiled. "Okay, have a good day!" I left the class and walked to the next class and sat down. Mr.Kim was talking about the festival when someone walked in. "Is it okay if I talk to Hoseok?" He nodded and I got up and left the class with him. "Hello Hoseok, I'm Jiho, a manager for a company that helps dancers get more recognized and I would like to help you get recognized." He handed me a pamphlet and I started to look through it. "We would have you practice and be in different shows everywhere, just like how Jimin does." "This sounds really great!" "Now I know you would like to see around so I was thinking if maybe you would like to, stay around for a bit, we have a show coming up in about 6 weeks and we would like you to be in it! It's not anywhere far, it's only a 40 minute drive from here." "Okay!" I smiled a bit and said goodbye and went back into class.

~Later On~

I had gotten some soup and medicine for Jimin and knocked on the door and he opened it. "Hey, I brought some soup and medicine." I went in and he closed the door and went back into bed. "Let me check your temperature.." I placed my hand on his forehead and sighed. "You're burning up." I placed the soup next to him. "So I'm hot basically?" He laughed a bit. "Temperature wise, yes. Here take some medicine." He sat up a bit and quickly took the medicine and drank some water. "Thanks Hobi, you really didn't have to do this." I smiled softly. "I just wanna make sure you recover from this cold." I kissed his cheek and the pamphlet fell out of my pocket. "What's that?" "Oh yeah, someone wanted me to stay around and see how this company is, and if I like it, then I can maybe stay with this company." He smiled and pulled me down into a hug. "That's great Hoseok! You're growing up so fast!" Jimin wiped his fake tears away and I laughed a bit. "You're so dramatic!" "But seriously I'm happy for you." "Thanks, well I'm gonna go but make sure you eat and get more rest!" I got up and left his dorm and walked to mine, got ready for bed, ate some quick dinner and brushed my teeth then finally went to bed.

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