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~In the afternoon~
Hoseok's POV
To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was backstage and was looking to see how many people there were and there was, lots of people. A LOT of people in the auditorium. I was walking back and forth when Ally, Jimin and Chungha walked up. "You okay?" Chungha looked worried. "Y-Yeah I'm fine!" Jimin came up using his crutches. "You got this okay Hoseok? Remember pretend there isn't any people and dance like you always do okay?" Jimin smiled softly. "We're gonna be in the audience okay? I love you and you got this!" He kissed my forehead and left with the others.

No one's POV
Once everyone was seated in the auditorium, the lights started to dim to see the stage better. "Welcome to the annual winter show, please stay in your seat and make sure all phones are silenced when dancers are performing." Hoseok was extremely nervous, he was ready to run out of the auditorium and just stay in his dorm the entire day, but he needed to do this. He took a deep breathe and went out to dance his part of the beginning. He danced like no one was there, showing how talented he was. Everyone watched him throughout the entire show, not focusing on anyone else, only focusing on Hoseok. Jimin smiled while watching his boyfriend dance on the stage, thinking how lucky he really is to have Hoseok in his life.

Finally, the show had ended and all the dancers bowed and the curtains closed. Everyone ran to Hoseok and hugged him. "You did so great Hoseok!!" He smiled a bit. "T-Thanks.." Everyone changed out of the costume and as soon as Hoseok walked out, he was crowded with people saying a good job, people giving him flowers while he walked over to Jimin and the others. Ally was the first to attack Hoseok with a hug. "YOU DID AWESOME UP THERE!!" He laughed a bit and hugged back then went to Jimin. "You were amazing Hoseok!" He went up to him and kissed him but Hoseok quickly pulled away. "H-Hey! I-I thought we weren't gonna act lovey dovey in public!" He pouted. "Oh well, I just had to give you kisses!" He kept kissing Hoseok all over his face while Chungha and Ally were laughing. "How about we go get some food and hang out?" "Sure that sounds fun!" They left the auditorium and decided to go to a new restaurant and try it out. They got a table sat down and looked at the menu. "Hobi do you wanna share something? I'm really not hungry and I would feel bad if I just got a to-go plate with almost the entire thing in it." "Yeah that's fine!"

They had a lot of fun hanging out and eating. Hoseok realized how lucky he was to have his friends there for him, even to be dating Jimin, he knew he wasn't alone. "Okay I'm gonna go to my dorm and sleep, so I'll see you guys later!" They said goodbye to Ally and then Chungha left as well, leaving Jimin and Hoseok walking back to Hoseok's dorm. "I'm so glad I was able to see you dance, even I admit, you might take my spot as number one dancer!" Hoseok laughed a bit. "That's a good joke Jimin, I know I won't be the number one dancer, maybe number 49." "What did we say about speaking negatively about ourself?" Jimin looked at me while we were standing in front of the door. "To not talk negative about ourselves..." Jimin smiled. "Yup, now come on! I want to give you cuddles!" He laid down and Hoseok was right next to him when he pulled him to cuddle with him. "I love you Hoseok." I smiled and looked up at him. "I love you too Jimin."

They both cuddles for the rest of the night and fell asleep.

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