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~5 Weeks Later~
Jimin's POV
I was in class with Hoseok, but something seemed off with him. "Hey Hoseok you okay?" "Hm? Yeah...just didn't get enough rest last night." "What time did you go to bed?" "About..3 in the morning?" I sighed. "Hoseok you wake up at 5 in the morning to get ready, you need to get more sleep. Get some rest during our break period okay?" He nodded and we continued listening to the teacher. Ever since he talked to that manager guy, he had been practicing with them for the upcoming show, but he works himself hard, I make sure he tries to eat and he doesn't my get enough rest. The bell rang and it was our break period so we met up with Ally and Chungha at our usual spot to hangout. "Hey guys! Hoseok you don't look to good..." He sat down. "I'm fine...just super tired." "Take a nap! You'll feel a little better!" I sat down next to him and laid his head down on my lap and he fell asleep. "I wonder how his practicing is going." Chungha looked at him. "He's been working really hard, I feel like he overworks himself though...his lips look dry and I don't think gems drinking enough water.." I sighed and stroked his hair a couple of times. "I really don't think he should go to the practice today." "Talk to him about it." I chuckled a bit. "Last time I tried to tell him but he was stubborn and still went."

After break period ended, I woke Hoseok up and I drove him to his practice and waited where they practiced and sat in the auditorium. "Okay people at least look a little alive! You all look lazy." The dance instructor yelled at them a bit. "Okay now everyone let's go over the ending." Everyone went to a designated spot and started dancing. At least 5 minutes in, the instructor stopped them. "Hoseok, you look extremely dead! Put some emotion into it!" "O-Okay m'am.." I looked at him and sighed. "Now back where you guys started!" Everyone went back and started dancing again, but something wasn't right with Hoseok. He was behind a beat, he wasn't sharp or anything. But before I could even blink, he bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

I immediately got up and ran to him and held him. He felt extremely tense and he started seizing. Someone yelled, "he's having a seizure!" Everyone backed up as the instructor quickly walked to Hoseok. "Lily go call an ambulance! Leo get a towel!" I held his head so he wouldn't jerk his head back too hard or injure his neck. I tried my best to make sure he didn't lock any of his arms. He started to stop and started to relax into my arms. He tried sitting up but I didn't let him. "Hey don't sit up, you're okay.." Leo came with the towel and I started to clean the spit off the side off his mouth. "Leo can you please dim the lights down?" He nodded and quickly dimmed the lights. I kept cleaning any spit that was coming out and finally the ambulance arrived and paramedics came to Hoseok. They got Hoseok onto the stretcher and took him to the hospital. I got into my car quickly and drove to the hospital Hoseok was getting transported to.

I sat in the waiting room and saw two adults rush in. "Is Hoseok here yet?" The lady asked. "Yes he is, right now he is still getting checked on so the doctor will be here in a bit." They both sat down in front of me and they were both extremely worried. After about 2 hours the doctor came to the waiting room and went up to the parents. "How is Hoseok?!" "He's resting right now, he had a seizure because he was dehydrated, not eating much, and overworking himself, he does have a fever right now but we'll make sure he gets better." He took them to Hoseok's room and I followed. I went in and stayed at the doorway. "Excuse me but do you know Hoseok?" I looked at the lady. "I go to class with him and I usually drive him to his practices." "Thank you for being there for him." Hoseok started to move around. "Mom...?" "I'm right here, I'm just glad you're okay now." She kissed his forehead and smiled a bit. "They said you have to be resting for a couple of weeks so that means you can't perform for a bit." He sighed. "Okay." His mom looked at me. "Make sure he rests and doesn't dance until he gets better." I nodded. "Okay m'am." She smiled and stood up. "I gotta go okay? Your dad and I love you!" They both left and I went up to Hoseok. "You scared me babe..." I kissed his forehead. "Sorry." "I just don't want you to overwork yourself again. That means you drink lots of water and make sure you're eating enough!" He smiled a bit. "Okay I will."

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