the sting

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It  was the next morning when Thomas and Minho left, you woke up remembering what happened with gally last night.

                                       you take  a walk through the forest to clear you mind

you keep walking till your in the center of the forest when you find a type of memorial with the name George on you get up to turn around and see a very skinny looking boy there.

"hi its ben right , I don't think we've officially met I'm y/n"

    he stares at you with a death look

"are you ok be...

he jumps at you 

ahhhhh get off of me"

he fights you ,pinching your wrist

you start tearing up

you see a rock near so you grab it and hit him with it 

you run as fast as you can~

heyy" you shout trying to get the other gladers attention 

2 gladers come running in [gally and newt]

gally grabs ben and newt grabs you

you all exit the forest together

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