a return

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"guys I miss my family "-y/n
" Go home we will visit you"-clary
Once you said goodbye
" Beacon hills here I come"-y/n's mind
Once you arrived at the house
"Here I go"-y/n's mind
You walk in but no one is there so you walk to the family room and everyone is in there
" My chapter ended"-y/n
" Y/n"-klaus
He hugs you
" It's been 2 years usually it's that times 100"-klaus
" I missed you too big brother"-y/n
You hug him again
" Where's newt and the others"-y/n
" Hogwarts"-rebekah
Once you arrived at hogwarts
" Students settle down , there is a guest who will stay with us from now until whenever they leave , please welcom back y/n mikealson"-mcgonagoll
You walk in to the Great hall and everyone cheers
" Y/n"-caroline
She runs up to you an you both hug
" He's missed you too much"-caroline
You sit down with Caroline
" Hi guys"-y/n
You all talk
" where's newt and aris"-y/n
" East building"-theo
You go to the east building
" Surprise"-y/n
Newt sees you and walks up to you
" Don't ever leave me again"-newt
You kiss him
" aris"-y/n
You run up to him and hug him
" I missed you both so much"-y/n
"Did you come back because you missed us"-aris
" I came back because I need you all in my life"-y/n
" Who stopped you from turning it off"-aris
" No one , I didn't think of turning it off"-y/n
Once you finished hogwarts
" Newt I have to tell you something"-y/n
"What is it darling"-newt
" I'm pregnant"-y/n
" Yes"-newt
" Your not mad"-y/n
" Why would I be mad , we're going to have a family"-newt
" Family feels nice"-y/n
" Forever our family"-newt
" Forever our family"-y/n

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