the split

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It's been a few days
" Y/n I have a question"-pansy
" Go ahead"-y/n
" How are you pregnant you and newt havent seen eachother in over a year , have you been cheating on him"-pansy
You walk out the room
" I'm making the others meet me without y/n knowing"-pansy's mind
At the meeting
"What's up pansy"-aris
" Well guys think y/n was gone for 2 years and she hasn't had any contact with newt since she left and all of a sudden 2 years later she comes back pregnant , who the hell is the father and is y/n cheating on newt"-pansy
" Oh shit"-theo
" Y/n would never"-kol
" Explain how she is pregnant then"-pansy
" She cheated on newt"-caroline
" I thought she loved me"-newt
There is a note under your Door
You start to read it
~dear y/n
It had to end , we can't date anymore and I think you know why , I don't know if you still love me but I don't think I love you anymore I'm sorry love
" What did I do"-y/n's mind
It's been a few hours and you go to find aris and kol
" Hey aris"-y/n
He walks away
" Oh"-y/n
You find Caroline
" Hey care"-y/n
She speeds off
" Pansy"-y/n
" We can't be friends anymore y/n"-pansy
You go home
" Guys"-y/n
Peter walks out
" Oh"-peter
" Who is it uncle Peter "-selena
She walks out
" Oh "-selena
She kicks you out
" Them too"-y/n
You go to your house
" Klaus , Elijah anyone"-y/n
Elijah walks in
" Hello sister "-elijah
" Thank god"-y/n
Elijah grabs a wooden chair and pulls a lg off and stabs you in the leg
" Sorry I'm doing it like this "-elijah
He kicks you out so you go back to hogwarts
You go into the Great hall and everyone is talking about you
" Dumbledore may I speak to th other students"-y/n
" Of course"-dumbledore
You start to talk
" Students of hogwarts I know you all probably the me for some reason and I would just like to say , I'm sorry for whatever I did , I don't know what I did exactly but I'm sorry ,I'm being singled out..
You start to cry
" I'm being left alone , I went to see my own brothers and they turned me down , I went to see my sister boyfriends family and they turned me down , I went to talk to people closest to me and they ran off , even my own twin..
You start to cry more
" I finally know what it feels like to b the omega , the lone wolf , the loser , if this is a prank then wow guys your doing it well , my brother kol is one of the closest people to me and  he hates me now , I hate myself too ,who wouldn't hate me ,u ran away for 2 years , met a cool family , met the nicest man ever and I also met a gang , this gang changed m , they made me less of a mikealson and more of just a vampire , I lost half my power because of a robot and I lost my powers to a god , I felt happy when I was gone but when I returned I felt depressed , I'm fading from the world who knows how long I'll be gone , all I know is it will definitely be more than 2 years this time , good luck in school an be a good witch or wizard , raise kids ,be happy, be the opposite of me , goodbye hogwarts and goodbye happy life , goodbye newt , I love you , I always will ,you where the first person I ever loved , but I guess you'll be my last , goodbye"-y/n
You vamp speed out and everyone cheers
" Finally the witch is gone"-pansy
" Students settle down"-mcgonagoll
They all stay loud
" SILENCCCEE"-dumbledore
Everyone settles down
With y/n
" Goodbye hogwarts , America here I come , again"-y/n
With newt
" Hey newt aren't you going to cheer"-theo
" Sure"-newt
He messed around and cheers
" Students we have a new student , pls welcome , Ethan willsam"-dumbledore
He walks in
" Is y/n here"-ethan
" Who's asking"-kol
"Her ex , which is this handsome face"-ethan
Newt grins
" Um yes she is no where to be found , she cheated on me ,good old y/n , the bitch , the whore , the slut, why do you need her"-newt
" She promised me something in return of me getting her something , you can't know what"-ethan
" Tell us what"-theo
" If i tell you I also have to kill you"-ethan
Once Ethan left
" Newt I have a question"-kol
" Is it forever and always for us"-kol
" Kol your my bud and you will be forever"-newt
" Forever and always"-kol

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