The supernatural is no secret

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" y/n what were you born as"-n

" i was born werewolf but turned vampire by my mother"-y/n

" hey guys now that the world is fixed where do u wanna go"-kol

" we should all live in beacon hill"-klaus

" good idea"-y/n

you all go to beacon hills

" y/n follow me plz"-kai

" ok"-y/n

you follow kai

" what do u want"-y/n

" you"-kai , he leans in to kiss you

you try to slap him in the face but he grabs your arm and pushes you into the wall and it makes a loud bang

" hey guys what the hell is kai doing to y/n i heard a loud bang"-L

" i don't know lets go check"-kol

they run up to you and kai and see him hurting you

" welcome to the torture show"-kai

" n-newt "-y/n , you say while kai is pinning you up to the wall choking you

" kai put her down"-jordan

" no "-kai

" kai you already did this why are you doing it again"-d

" what do u mean he did it before"-n

" well newt kai is y/n's ex and he was abusive and did bad stuff to her"-derek

" spot on derek"-kai 

kai throws you across the room (by the way you are in derek's loft)

you start crying

" kill me already"-y/n

" ummmm not yet"-damon , he joins in

" damon get away from her"-klaus

" no"- damon and kai

" y/n do u know what this is"-kai , he pulls out the white oak stake

" kai don't"-kol

" what is that"-newt

" its a stake that can kill a original vampire like y/n"-damon

" i might use it"-kai

" do it she hurt us kai"-damon

" what did she do"-newt

" she killed our friend katherine"-kai

" why"-newt

" because katherine tried killing me"-y/n

kai throws you across the room again and walks up to you, he carves the word killer on your cheek  making you cry more

" scream y/n it will make me happy"-kai

" n-no"-y/n

" i want to hear a blood curdling scream"-kai

" SCREAM!!"-kai

" n-no"-y/n

he stabs you in the arm , the leg and the belly making you scream

" there"-kai

" a-are you done now"-y/n

" no"-kai

he uses his power to make you float in the air over the stairs outside derek's loft

" if u don't move i won't drop you"-kai , holding you in the air over the stairs

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