the battle

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(sorry for the big time skips)

" hey baby"-newt

" hi"-y/n

" what are you doing"-newt

" im worried"-y/n

" look the dark lord won't hurt you"-newt


you go to hogsmead with kol

" so how you doing"-kol

" im doing okay i guess"-y/n

" what about you and newt is that doing okay"-kol

" yeah it doi...

" kol watch out"-y/n

he turns around and his neck gets snapped

" draco what the hell"-y/n

"sorry y/n but i have to"-draco

he snaps your neck

~later with kol~

" guys is y/n here"-kol

" no "-everyone

" why"-neville

" draco he , i , um"-kol

" headmaster"-kol

" yes kol"-dumbledore

" i think draco kidnapped y/n for the dark lord he snapped my neck and i can't find y/n"-kol

" oh dear"-dumbledore

" ill do a search for y/n through the whole school"-dumbledore

he walks up to his stand

" students of hogwarts , y/n mikealson has gone missing so please look for her and please tell me if you see draco malfoy "-dumbledore

" oh my god"-theo

" we need to find y/n"-aris

~with y/n~

" hello"-y/n

" anyone there"-y/n

someone walks in

" you , get up"-???

he takes you to a room

" she's here my lord"-???

" thank you lucius"-volde

you get scared

" hello y/n"-volde


he walks up to you

" your a powerful person y/n"-volde


" where is he"-volde

" dark lord , harry is not to be found"-bellatrix

harry walks in

" harry no"-y/n

" shut up"-bellatrix


harry falls to the floor

" no"-y/n

" my lord may i"-bellatrix

volde nods

" AVADA KEDAVRA"-bellatrix

" he's dead my lord"-narcissa

~with kol~

" where"-kol

he kills someone at each word he says

" is"-kol



everybody walks out

" there here"-aris

~volde walks in~

" nevill who's that hagrid's carrying"-ginny

"is that y/n in my fathers arms"-draco

" harry potter is dead"-volde


" silence"-volde

" harry potter is dead"-volde

" he e eh he "-volde

" y/n mikealson is dead"-volde

" no"-aris

" aris get back"-kol

" they are both dead"-volde

klaus walks in

" you are a monster"-klaus

" she is dead "-volde

" you can't kill an original"-y/n

you jump out of lucius's arms

" get back"-y/n

you walk up to kol

" join me harry is dead"-volde

neville walks forward

" what's your name boy"-volde

" neville longbottom"-neville

bellatfrix gices a cheeky look

" well we will find a place for you boy"-volde

" neville don't"-ginny

" no , it doesn't matter we lost harry tonight , cause he's still in here with us , but your going to die"-neville

after harry killed volde

" so y/n you feeling okay"-kol

" my head hurts" -y/n

" you sure that's all"-theo

you lie to them and you feel light headed

" im fine i promise"-y/n

" okay whatever you say"-kol

you faint

"someone come over here"-theo

" what happened"-klaus

 she just fainted"-kol

klaus checks for a heart beat

" guys"-klaus

they don't listen

" GUYS"-klaus

they all run over

" i can't hear her heart beat"-klaus

" omg no"-newt

" she can't be dead"-caroline

"are you sure there is no heart beat"-liam

~you wake up ~

" omg your okay"-kol

kol hugs you

" there coming"-y/n

you faint 

" who's coming"-derek

" evil"-klaus


sorry this isn't that long

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