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a week after the battle

(you are in beacon hills)

"where did newt go"-y/n

" i think he went to see kate"-derek


you look for someone to hang around with

" did everybody forget my birthday"-y/n's mind

"derek what day is it today"-y/n

"the second of march , why?"-derek

" just wondering"-y/n

"so it is my birthday"-y/n's

~two hours later~

" derek where is everybody"-y/n

"they went out for caroline's birthday , why aren't you there "-derek

"so they remembered its caroline's birthday and not mine , its on the same day too"-y/n's mind

" im going out"-y/n


~you go to the mall and grab a suitcase and stuff for a holiday but more~

you go back to derek's

" um why do you have a suitcase"-derek

"im leaving"-y/n

"what do you mean leaving , what about caroline's birthday party"-derek

"goodbye derek"-y/n

you pack and go to the airport

~with caroline~

" happy birthday care"-elena

"happy birthday love"-klaus

he hands her a gift

klaus gets a call


"klaus did y/n come to caroline's dinner"-derek

"no "-klaus

"have you seen her"-derek

"no , what's the matter , is there something wrong"-klaus

klaus puts the phone on speaker

"guys listen"-klaus

"y/n said she was leaving and when i asked what she meant she said goodbye"-derek

"oh my god"-theo

"on my birthday seriously"-caroline

kol gets a call


he puts it on speaker

"kol its y/n , im leaving , i don't know when im coming home , i was happy for today but its just march 2nd , tell caroline i said happy birthday and don't shed a tear for me when everybody forgot about it "-y/n

you hang up

"she said happy birthday to me"-caroline

kol puts his phone away

liam walks in

"is y/n here"-liam

"she's gone liam"-theo

"she left"-newt

" didn't really like her anyway"-gally

~with y/n~

" i hope there happy"-y/n's mind

"new york here i come "-y/n's mind

after the plane flight

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