The chamber

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~second year of hogwarts~

sorry for the big time skip

" hey newt what do u think happened to filch's cat"-y/n

" i don't know baby , but i have to go meet aris"-newt

"he looks suspicious"-your mind

you follow him


" hey hannah"-newt

" hey newt"-hannah

they kiss

" when are you going to tell y/n about us"-hannah

you start to cry and run back to the common room

" hey y/n ..

he sees you crying

" hey what's wrong , what happened"-kol

" newt cheated on me with some girl called hannah"-y/n

" that little shit"-kol

at lunch

" hey baby"-newt

you ignore him

" hey why are you ignoring me"-newt

you stand up and slap him in the face and run off

" what the hell was that"-aris

" umm i don't know "-newt

he sits down

kol whispers into aris's ear

" holy shit , ummm i gotta go"-aris

he catches up to you

" hey y/n slow down"-aris

" what do u want aris"-y/n

" newt is not worth your time he's a cheating scum bag that broke your heart because he is a loser"-aris

you talk and walk back to the table

" hey y/n you ok"-newt


everyone looks over at you

" look y/n i was going to tell you b...

" but no , you cheated on me with a random girl and then you have the audacity to call me baby screw you , WE ARE OVER"-y/n

after all that

~ in defence against the dark arts class~

" so today you have a free peroid i just need to tell you one thing , the incident that happened was fixed by harry potter  so you have nothing to worry about "-snape

you walk out and are talking to draco

" hey y/n are you ok about what happened with newt "-draco

" yeah im over that cheater already"-y/n

" follow me i need to show you something"-draco

" ok"-y/n

you follow him to the astronomy tower and watch the stars

" you know draco your cute"-y/n

" you too y/n"-draco

you talk for a while

" so your telling me harry and you hated each other but your okay now"-y/n

" yep pretty much"-draco

"so you......

he kisses you and you kiss him back

~the next morning~

first lesson

" hey y/n my mum and your mum talked and we wanted to know if you wanted to visit for christmas harry's gonna be there too and hermione will be"-ron

" mr weasley no talking in my lesson"-prof lupin

you send ron a note saying yes

~ at ron's at christmas time

" so this is the famous y/n mikealson"-fred

" oh hush fred"-y/n

" how do u know my name"-fred

" my mind reading power"-y/n

" oh right"-fred

" well if it isn't y/n mikealson"-??

" sirius"-y/n

" you too know each other"-molly

" yeah the black family is close to us mikealson's"-y/n

" well nice to meet you dear im molly weasley"-molly

after christmas you went back to school

" ok students the house cup will be given out now"-dumbledore

you all whisper to eachother

" ok and the house that wins the cup is slytherin"-dumbledore

you all cheer

" ok students have a great summer and y/n mikealson your mother said you will be going to the malfoy manner this summer"-dumbledore

" goodbye students"-dumbledore

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