I'm Sorry (3)

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Steff smiles as she wakes up and gets dressed for the day. She looks at herself in the mirror and sighs as she slides on her high heeled boots she always wears. She puts her hair in a pony tail and grabs her jacket going out of her house wearing her sunglasses as she gets in her car and drives to the house she's watching over. She makes sure Harold's car isn't there before she steps out and goes to the door going inside. She smiles at the cat as she gets it some food. She walks to each of the plants giving them a bit of water and smiles to herself humming random songs. She starts humming all about by Dillon Rupp and she can't help but rap part of it.

“nice” she hears somebody say making her jump and drop the glass cup she was holding to water the plant in the kitchen. “crap I'm so sorry”

she looks at the glass as she bends down sitting on her feet as she picks up the glass shards shaking a bit. He kneels infront of her and helps taking a piece of glass from her cutting her hand by accident.

“oh my god are you okay?” he asks feeling worse

she takes a second and glances at it whimpering. He helps her up and takes her to the sink and gently washes her cut making her whimper more from pain.

“i should be fine Harry” she says gently

He gently dries it off and takes her to his room. He comes to her a minute later with a bandage. He gently wraps her cut being careful not to hurt her. She takes the time to notice the few tattoos he has on his left shoulder. He glances at her and she looks at him gently.

“t-thank you” she says taking her hand gently away

“y-yeah no problem. It was my fault. Why were you using a glass cup to water a plant?” he asks confused “we have a watering can”

“it was outside and I was too lazy to go get it” she says with a small shrug

she stands up and he follows a bit surprised she didn't stay on his bed. She starts picking up the glass and he picks her up before she can take any into her hands

“hey!” she says getting a bit startled

Harry sets her down on the chair and points a finger gently at her motioning her as if she's a dog who's supposed to stay. He goes and picks up the glass putting it in the garbage. She stands up and picks up one of the pieces and he glares at her a tiny bit

“you don't listen worth crap do you?” Harry asks her looking into her Hazel eyes

“nope” she states “never have been one for doing what one person wants”

she helps him take care of the glass and she quickly sets a towel on the floor drying the wood floor fast leaving the towel there. He takes her hand and looks at her gently

“Are you okay?” he asks her again feeling guilty.

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