kisses and fights (8)

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Steff sighs as she drives to the hospital where Faith and Aaron both stay. She steps out of her car and goes in for a check up. She walks into her doctor's office and sits down. He smiles at her and takes some blood for samples.

“So how are you feeling?” he asks

“Alright” Steff says softly “Bit tired”

He nods and checks her pulse and blood pressure. She waits patently as the tests come back.

“Well you're heart is doing much better” he says smiling “Still continue to come back every 3 weeks and so we can make sure you're heart stays healthy keep taking the pills”

she nods and he gives her the pills she needs. As she steps out of his office she spots Faith and Aaron kissing. She turns and goes to walk away but she hears them and stops in her tracks

“Steff please stop leaving” she hears Faith say

She takes a deep breath and turns around. Faith and Aaron both go to her and her and Faith hug then her and Aaron.

“Steff where have you been?” Aaron asks

“Places” Steff says simply

Aaron and Faith look at her and she sighs

"Steff please. we want to support you but we need to know where you've been" Steff states

"why did you leave?" Aaron asks trying to get a straight answer from her

“Me and Harold are done okay?” she asks

“Why?” Faith asks “What happened?”

“He cheated” Steff states “I got to get home guys. My birthday is tomorrow and I just want to stay at home all day. And no sending him. Because I never want to face him again.”

her friends stand there in shock. unable to say a word. She walks away and drives to her house. She parks her car and goes inside. She slides off her filthy clothes and throws them into the washer as she slides on fresh clean clothes. She goes to her bed and lays down curling up under the covers. Her eyes droop shut and she falls asleep to the sound of the rain hitting her windows.

“you cheated on her?!” Faith shouts at Harold

Harold whimpers a bit and his tears flow

“I made a mistake” he admits

“More than a mistake” Aaron states “When we saw her today her cheeks had tears stained on them. You hurt her so freaking bad”

“Not to mention the fact that she won't even trust me or Aaron thanks to your stupid mistakes” Faith states

Harold looks at them both

“fine hate me” he states “just like every other person on the planet”

He storms out and goes home. He sits down on his bed as his tears flow fast. He loves Steff. He screwed up though. And now he may never get to hold her in his arms ever again. He lets his tears flow fast and lays on his bed looking at the ceiling. He needs to make it up to her. He thinks before remembering that tomorrow is her birthday. He gets up and grabs his car keys driving to the flower shop and buying them out of roses. He has a plan.

Steff yawns as she wakes up. She sits up and slides on her shoes. She walks downstairs and peaks out her window. She sees roses. She opens her door and walks outside still in her black tight fitting shirt and booty shorts. She picks up a note that's at the start of the trail and reads it.

“Follow the trail birthday girl” the note says

She hesitates at first. She gently walks following the roses for quite some time till she sees she needs to cross the road. She crosses the road and walks a bit further walking to the park. She looks at where they end. At the end of the trail is Harold holding a box. She walks over and glares at him.

“What do you want?” she asks

He hands her the present and smiles.

“Here birthday girl” he says “happy birthday..”

She hesitantly sits at a bench and he sits beside her. She opens the box carefully and finds a note saying

“I still love you”

She feels her heart beat a bit faster and sets the note down gently beside her and moves some of the tissue paper. She finds a new gun and smiles to herself. She looks up into Harold's eyes. He looks at her.

“Please give me one more chance” he says “please..”

She doesn't know what to say. He notices her hesitation and before either of them can react their lips crash into each others. He slides his tongue against her bottom lip and she opens her mouth a tiny bit for him. They pull apart panting and she gets up and puts her new gun in her other hand.

“So are we together again?” he asks

She turns just as she's about to walk away and smiles at him

“No... but it's a start” she says

she walks back to him and kisses his forehead before walking away. He sits there and he can't help but smile. He bites his bottom lip which is slightly swollen from their kiss. Harold gets up and goes to his house feeling accomplished.

Steff smiles as she gets dressed and puts her new gun on her hip. She drives to the shooting range and steps out going to the booth and buying one of the slots for a while. She goes to her slot and points her new gun and shoots. She smiles seeing she hit the target already in the forehead. She looks at her gun and smiles. Then she notices the engraving on it which says 'Steff <3 Harold'. She blushes and continues to shoot the gun till she runs out of bullets. She takes the gun with her back to the car. She drives home and spends the rest of her day sitting at home watching tv and eating junk food.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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