hospital visit (1)

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Steff sighs as she walks into the hospital. She's never understood how people could stand being in them. Others have just walked in and out for their job but she can't stand them. They scare her. She leans against the wall waiting for the nurse to call her name for her appointment. Her cast keeping her from exploring. They rush a guy past her into surgery. He's bleeding from the shoulder. She glances at his face and notices first his bright blue eyes. Then his curly hair. She would find him attractive any other day. Today though she is crabby enough to hurt people. She smiles at her doctor

“Miss Tracy time to get your cast off” her doctor states “hurry along”

she runs to his office and smiles as he gently cuts off her cast. He sets it beside her as he gives her arm a check up.

“Last time I go to jump out of a tree instead of climbing” she says with a small giggle

Her doctor laughs and gives her a normal checkup. As he listens to her heart he grows concerned.

“what's wrong?” Steff asks gently

he looks at her and checks her old heart reports “looks like you may need another heart transplant Steff” he states “your heart is beating terribly today”

she starts to worry. She's had two heart transplants and she's only 19 years old. One was when she was 14 and the second was at 16. She can't keep needing heart transplants. Her doctor hands her some papers and then sends her on her way. She decides to visit her friends who live in the hospital. She runs to her best friend faith's room and smiles.

“Hey Faith!” Steff says getting happier

Faith has been a cancer patient since she was 12. She has had lung cancer for the longest time. Her mom stopped visiting when she was 13. now her short blonde hair and her green eyes are hardly alike to the girl who first arrived.

Most people assume that Steff has cancer and lives in the hospital. Her long black hair and bright brown eyes tell a different story though. Steff has been in and out of the hospital as long as she can remember. It started when she was abandoned without parents or anybody. She was left on a home for girls in a bad town. Ever since she was dropped off there she's been abused in every way possible. She was tied to a bed and burned, whipped so bad her back was striped, raped so many times she lost count, lost two babies to stress, and has been in two car wrecks. She's been almost killed before and her own father hunted her as if she was a deer and shot her. Ever since she's had broken limbs and heart transplants mixed in.

Steff smiles and takes Faith to their best guy friend Aaron's room. Aaron may only be 9 but he's one of the smartest brains in the hospital. Steff and Faith smile as they sit on his bed.

“hello my brother from another mother!” Steff says laughing and smiling

“hey Steff!” he says smiling wide “what's up?”

Steff and Faith both smile at him

“it's skip out day!” they both say to him

he laughs and nods getting up and typing on Steff's laptop getting in and changing the records that they can get out. Steff takes them both and signs them out taking them both to her car. As she gets into her run down car Faith smiles

“you still are driving in this thing?” Faith asks her

“yeah!” Steff says with a laugh “I'm poor and have enough hospital bills to worry about. Let alone the cost for insurance!”

Aaron and Faith both smile at her as she turns on her car and drives. Aaron can't help but rest his head against the window glass.

“I wish we could just stay out of that hospital forever” he states

Steff knows how he feels. He has a photographic memory. Most people would think it's a gift but for him Steff knows it's a curse. His father and mother have abused him since he was born. The bruises on his body almost never fade. His blonde hair with brown tips the brightest thing about his look. Faith smiles as she looks at the people they're passing. They all get to Steff's run down house and Steff helps Aaron out. They walk inside the small apartment and Steff sits down on her couch followed by both her friends.

“so what are we going to do today?” Steff asks them “it's Faith's turn to choose!”

Faith thinks and she smiles “beach it is!”

Steff's never been one for the beach. Everyone judges her body and she just doesn't like it. She sighs and nods going to her room and sliding on a one piece swimsuit not willing to wear her two piece bikini. She and her friends drive to the beach. Her and Aaron both watch Faith as she runs around and runs into the water. They laugh as she runs out shivering

“cold!!!” she squeals

Steff laughs and runs into the water diving underwater loving the water

“oh come on it's warm!” Steff says

“says the girl with like frozen arms” Aaron says with a laugh as he and Faith sit down on there beach towels.

Steff laughs and continues to swim around for a while. She gets out of the water and lays on her beach towel with her hair in a messy bun and her sunglasses on. She's always been good at tanning perfectly. Steff sighs as she sits up an hour later not liking all the male attention she's getting. Faith notices and looks at her.

“You okay Steff?” she asks her best friend “I know you don't like male attention.”

Steff shakes her head a bit and looks at the group of males looking her way. One has a shirt with stains on it on the ground showing off his abbs. She catches his eyes and they lock in seconds. He's the same guy who was shot. What could he be doing out already? He must have noticed her too as he walks over and smiles at her.

“skipping the hospital?” he asks. She nods hesitantly “same here”

She clears her throat that's suddenly really dry and feels scratchy

“me and me friends were just leaving” Steff manages to get out. “Have fun swimming”

She mentally stabs herself as she and her friends go to the car leaving him in utter shock. For 22 year old Harold Adams he's never flirted with girls or walked up to them. And the first girl he does turns him down like titanic. And yet he's strangely turned on. He shrugs it off and goes to his friends.

“But he was cute!!” Faith whines “Steff you never let any guys in except Aaron"

“so what?” Steff asks “you guys know my past. I'm not letting others in.”

“Steff you both locked eyes for 4.3 seconds.” Aaron reminds her “and it was cute!”

She rolls her eyes at the two people she loves most and drives them to her house. As they all go inside she runs to her room and changes into shorts and a halter top. She takes a deep breath and walks out into the kitchen and starts to dice tomatoes for a salad

“Steff later today before you bring us back to the hospital can we go out for ice cream?” Faith and Aaron both ask

Steff laughs “course guys” before putting the tomatoes into a bowl with lettuce and carrots and beets. She mixes her toss salad together. She does want to know what that guy she met at the beach wanted. “Lunch's ready!”

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