First Day Of School

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One morning The Warners were asleep in their beds Julia had to wake them up they do not want to be late for school.

"Wake up today is the first day of school."

"Five more minutes." Wakko said.

"Come on I have to go to work at the WB Studio with Looney Tunes my boss is not going to be happy if I'm late."

"Let us sleep in." said Yakko.

"Oh no you don't."

Julia got out an airhorn to wake them up.

That scared them.

"That was so loud." said Dot.

"Breakfast is ready now eat up after your finished get dressed and brush your teeth."


They ate their breakfast after they were finished they got dressed and brush their teeth.

"Okay sounds like you're ready."

Julia gave everyone a backpack to wear on their back.

Julia had drove them to school.

They arrived at ACME school.

"Okay we're here school is about to start you have to get inside and off to your class."

Wakko and Dot didn't want to go.

"I don't want to go to school I wanna go home and bake cookies with you."

"Yeah don't leave us what if the kids don't like us and bully us."

"Don't worry the kids will be nice to you and you make new friends do you understand."

"Yes Julia I want a hug."

Julia hugged Wakko.

"Me too I want a hug."

Julia hugged Dot.

"I can hug you." said Yakko.

Julia hugged Yakko.

"Okay you better go you don't want to be late."

"Okay bye."

"Bye have a good day at school."

"Come on sibs let's get to class."

"I'm really nervous about this new school I really don't know anyone."

"Don't worry Wakko we're all going to be together."

"I bet there's some handsome boys here."

"Is that all you're thinking about Dot."

"Uh yes."

The warners went to the classroom.

They sat down in their desks.

"Hello everyone my name is Mr. David I will be your teacher this year."

He did a attendance to make sure everyone is here.

The first lesson is graphology.

They learned about the states of the America.

"Oh Mr. David I know about state capitol." said Wakko.

"Here's a song about state capitol."

After the song the students clapped.

"Wakko please sit down we have lesson to do."

"Yes Mr. David."

They did their work and put the paper on the teacher's desk.

Hours have past they did have a break after the break did language arts.

They had lunch in the cafeteria.

After lunch they went to the computer lab the students learn about how to use the computer.

"Hey Mr. David I'm curious about the mouse." said Dot.

"That's for moving around and clicking."

"Clicking I thought it squeaks." said Yakko.

"No not a real mouse the computer mouse."

"Oh." they all said.

After that it was time to do math.

The Warners do know their numbers very well.

At the classroom they learn everyone's name in class.

The students name were Yumi May Laffy Tom Agetian Brandon Mark Remmy Jo-Jo Ronney Mary Nizzy Gavin Ayako Rufus.

Their classmates do find the warners funny they laughed at their jokes and their shenanigans.

The school day was over Julia came to pick them up and went home.

"Did you have a good day at school?" Julia asked.


"Were you behaving at school."

"We were so well behaved." said Dot.

"I'm proud all three of you."

"I'm glad to be home in the water tower."

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