Field Trip

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At ACME school the class was going on the field trip to the science museum everyone signed their permission slip by their parents.

Outside of the school they waited for the school bus.

"Now I want you kids to be on your best behavior specially you Yakko Wakko and Dot."

"What I ate chocolate at the chocolate factory they were so good." said Wakko.

"Just don't cause any trouble okay."

'Okay we will be good." they said together.

"That's good."

When the bus arrived everyone got on.

Yakko sat with Laffy Dot sat with Ronney Wakko sat with Jo-Jo.

"Why do I have to sit next to Jo-Jo she's too obsessive?"

"Because it's the only seat Wakko."

"Oh okay she better not kiss me."

"Yay you get to sit next to me you're my 1 number fan you're cute like a dog."

Wakko's cheeks turned red.

"Wakko sitting in the kissing tree." said Rufus.

Dot giggled.

"Ooo I think Wakko is in love." said Yakko.

"Aw cut it out."

The bus drove off.

Yakko had his hand.

"Mr. David I can sing a song."


"Come on please." said Dot and Wakko.

"Just sit down and be quiet."

"Now class do not stick any part of your body out the window we know the story about a boy who had his arm ripped off by a truck."

"The kid was unarmed."

"Stop your puns this minute."

15 minutes later.

They arrived at the science museum.

"All class remember the rules no running no shouting no pushing no yelling and no touching do you understand."

"Yes Mr. David."

"Good now line up."

Everyone was lined up and went inside.

"Wow is that a plane up there." Yakko said pointing up.

"Yes it is."

"All right class we'll start off with looking at the sea creatures."

They saw fishes and sharks.  

"Hey look a shark reminds me of a movie Jaws."

"Yeah Jaws."

Wakko was doing the music from Jaws.

Then they put their hands in a touch tank.

Then they looked space exabit they saw earth and other planets.

"One small step for a man one giant leap for mankind."

"Wow are you doing moon landing."

"Yeah Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to be on the moon."

They went into desert exabit.

"Faboo a desert there's a cactus and animals." said Wakko

Dot was worried.

"How are they going to survive in this hot desert?"

"Don't worry Dot these animals are desert animals so they will be fine."


"Oh look a hurricane simulator booth let's go in."

As three went inside it was windy in there.

"Wakko you might wanna hold your hat for this."

"Thank you for reminding me."

"No problem."

Later it was lunch time they went to the café to eat.

After lunch they looked at the water floating up and down.

They connected the gears.

"Wow we connected the gears."

After that was it time to go.

They went back to school the warners were singing the song about senses.

They learned something about science.

At the end of the day it was time to go home.

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